Page 23 of All of You

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Martin exhaled before he stood, his hands a grip on hers. He pulled her to her feet, the blanket falling to the porch floor, his hand in hers. He walked her inside, closing the door behind them. Without a word, Martin walked her to the couch, motioning for her to sit before he did beside her. He turned toward her, paused, and lifted her hand to his chest. Her palm rested flat over his heart; her gaze lowered before it lifted to his.

“I’ve never wanted anything in my life like I want you. This is the first time I’ve ever been in love, and I know that each time I look into your eyes.” Rose gasped with his confession and, without a second delay, lifted and moved over to him, their lips connected with a kiss. Martin lowered his hands to her hips as she lifted and straddled him, their kiss deepening. He lifted his back from the couch; his hands moved up the back of her shirt when she pulled back slightly.

“Say it again.” She pleaded a soft smile pulled at the corner of her lips that glimmered in her eyes.

Martin smiled and held her close, tight. “Rose Denton, I love you.” Rose smiled.



It had only been three years to the day since Martin declared his love for Rose, a fact she still found overwhelming. He had made her promises that Rose worried would fall short, but he had kept every single one. There was not a day he didn’t tell her he loved her or that she was beautiful. He had proven he could be trusted and her great protector. Martin had come face to face with Roy once, and it was a meeting Rose would never forget. She knew Roy was out of her life forever; no more random stop-ins. No more suggestive talk.

No more abusive comments on how she let him down or caused him to stray. It had been the first time Rose saw a little of the old Martin, yet his words and anger were directed at the right person that time. However, Roy hadn’t been the only person who seemed determined to cause issues at the start of their relationship. Brenda became an ever-growing pain in Rose’s ass.

The woman was near each time Rose stopped by the school to see Martin. Though she never said a word, it was the glares of hate and disgust she gave Rose without an ounce of regret. That was until Martin had her transferred to another school. He never made her question where his heart was, and each night, he held her in his arms as though he feared he would lose her. He regularly had white roses delivered to the bakery, not because he messed up or forgot an important date. Just because. That had always been what the card said. Rose no longer worried about not being good enough for him or questioned if she deserved him. He made sure she knew she was everything.

Six months. That had been how long they dated before they walked down the aisle and she became Mrs. Martin Brock.

The ceremony was everything she dreamed it would be, filled with laughter, love, and the most devoted man a woman could ask for with his mother’s wedding ring wrapped around her finger. For their honeymoon, Martin had taken her to her dream location, London. Their first year seemed perfect, but it was within this time they experienced their first loss.

Rose had become pregnant shortly after the wedding, though she never carried to term. She prepared for Martin to leave and grow angry, and he did the opposite. He remained by her side through every step and doctor's appointment. He held her at night while she cried. He was strong, even though she knew he was in pain. He became her rock, the one person she relied on most. Each day, he proved the man he was, far from the one she had remembered from their younger years. He was kind. Supportive. Loving. He gave her everything she wanted, at times without her even asking.

Though sadness had overtaken them briefly, light entered their lives just a few months later when Rose revealed she was pregnant.

As Rose stepped into the backyard of their house, she smiled at the laughter of the little redheaded boy as he squealed in happiness.

Martin spun the young toddler in a circle with a grin. With a tilt of her head, Rose ran her hands down and over her growing stomach. How could this be her life? The question she often asked herself, as none of it seemed real. Martin had been the last person in this world she would have imagined to be the one to give her everything she wanted, yet he was. She had the house, the loving and devoted husband, a little boy, and another on the way. Though Rose knew she and Martin were perfectly imperfect, they got the life so many people prayed for. One she had given up on long ago. She did deserve love. A Family. A happy ending.

Did she know what would come in the future? No. However, she knew that no matter what, Martin would be next to her, supporting and lifting her. Though their relationship hadn’t started well, it had shown her more than she could have dreamed. She wasn’t her illness. She was a real woman, even if she hadn’t been able to have babies like everyone else. Even though she was bigger and probably always would be. None of it made her worth less or made her undeserving of love. She could have it all, everything most want in their life. She could have happiness and live a full life. She accepted who she was and what she had.

A tear fell down her cheeks as she stared at her husband and son. Not one of sadness but one of happiness. Martin’s head lifted as he saw her, his lips curled to a grin before he placed their son on his feet. Rose watched as her husband walked toward her, her son happily playing in the background. She wasn’t cursed, she thought. Martin stepped up to her and kissed her on the forehead; his hands rested on the sides of her stomach.

“How’s my boy?” He asked.

“Kicking.” Rose replied with a light laugh. Martin gazed at her, his hands sliding around her as he stepped closer.

“How’s my beautiful wife?”

“Blissfully happy.” She replied. “Martin, will you do something for me?”

Martin gave a single nod. “Anything.”

“Say it again.” He smiled as though he knew what she meant and licked his lips.

“Rose Denton Brock, I love you.”

“Even the annoying parts?” she teased.

“All of You.”

… and they lived happily ever after.
