Page 131 of Hearing her Cries

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Sydney knew they were going to come for her.

Shewas the one worth millions now, not Jo-Jo.

Sydney couldn’t run. They had her boxed in now. She knew that.

They were going to get her. To take her.

They already had Pen and were shoving Pen into their van.

She couldn’t let them get Pen.

She couldn’t let them take Pen.

Jo-Jo was on the ground.

Where was Grace? Sydney looked around wildly as a man grabbed her arm. Yanked. She bucked and fought. Was Grace dead? Sydney needed to see.

There. Bleeding, crawling toward the nearest guard. Gerard. Grace was moving toward Gerard.

The redheaded man kicked out, rolled Jo-Jo to her back. “It’s this one the old man wanted, damn it. She’s useless to him now. Took one to the stomach. Grab the redhead and let’s get out of here. He’ll get her and be happy. I’ve wanted her a long damned fucking time!”

“They can identify us!” another said, raising his gun. “Finish them.”

But people were coming.


Grace had a gun. She had Gerard’s gun!

Gracehad a gun now.

Grace shot that one before he could shoot Jo-Jo again.

Sydney screamed as loudly as she could.

He fell down and didn’t move again. The other men cursed. One screamed a name.

Grace shot another. He grabbed his shoulder. Grace kept shooting.

They were turning on Grace now. Aiming.


Sydney kicked out, screaming. She connected with one man’s stomach. He doubled over. Dropped his handgun.

She kicked it. As far away from him as possible.

Then they were on her, and no matter how much training Gerard had given her, she couldn’t get away.

Sydney fought.

Fought harder than she had ever foughtanythingin her life.

She went down, head bouncing on the concrete just a little. That was all it took.

Men grabbed her, her arms, her legs. Her hair drug across the pavement.

They threw Sydney into the van—right next to Pen.
