Page 136 of Hearing her Cries

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Grandfather probably took them to the baby store and sold them or something.

She’d heard the mean lady talking about it before.

Grandfather went to the back of the car. He opened the trunk. He lifted something.

Oakley climbed into the window and just watched.

What was he doing?

She pulled the red curtain around herself, so he couldn't see her, though. Oakley wasn't stupid.

Her eyes widened when she saw a lady in Grandfather's arms.

The lady had really long dark hair, just like Oakley's.

And she wasn't moving.

Was that her mommy?

Oakley just stayed right where she was and watched him carry the lady away.

Until Grandfather called her name a long time later.

Oakley went downstairs slowly. Quietly. She didn't want him to know she'd been watching him carry the lady to the garage.

She wasn’t supposed to get in the windows.

People couldseeher. No one was ever supposed to see her or Orion. They were secrets. Until he was ready to tell the world about them and stuff. To display them, he said.

"Where were you, young lady?" he asked. He used his mad voice. “I’ve been waiting.”

"B-bathroom, Grandfather. My stomach hurt." Oakley was lying, and she knew that was bad. But…she’d lied to Grandfather before. When she had to. Sometimes…she justhadto.

"You and your brother are to go to your rooms right now. You will be staying there the rest of the evening, understand me? I will be doing very important work in the basement. You are not to come out of your rooms for any reason."

That meant Grandfather was locking them in again. She just knew it. "Yes, Grandfather."

"Good. I will be downstairs in my lab," he told Nanny. "I will not be disturbed or there will be dire consequences. Do you understand me?"

He looked at Oakley and then Orion. "Go. Now. Do as you are told."

Oakley held her little brother's hand and pulled him behind her.

If that had been her mommy, what was Grandfather going to do to her?

Grandfather had promised to kill the mean lady.

He killed other ladies who made him mad.

She thought Grandfather had killed lots of ladies in the basement.

What if he killed Oakley's mommy next?

Her stomach really did hurt now.

Oakley tried not to cry, no matter what.

As Nanny told her to stay in her room, Oakley fought crying like a baby. She had to do something.

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