Page 188 of Hearing her Cries

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And a sister protected a sister.

Her baby was out there somewhere. Zoey was going to get to her.

No matter what.

She was feeling around the garage door behind the nearest van— after making certain that van was empty—when the sounds of a door opening had her spinning around.

She heard footsteps on the stairs. They were metal stairs, obviously added to the garage must later than when it was originally built. They rattled. Drew attention. But they were…little footsteps. Light.

Someone was crying. Kid sobs.

A stack of boxes in a corner toppled down.

Between the building smoke and the dim light of the garage that kept flickering, she couldn’t actually see why the boxes and fallen.

More footsteps came. Heavier ones. Stronger ones.

Zoey stayed where she was.

To stare at the man standing right there now.

The man who just stared back.


Pen strongly suspectedthe jerks had just decided to let her burn like barbecue, right where she was.

And why wouldn’t they? Not like she could exactly get away.

The dude in the van had taped her hands together. The guy with a lisp had dumped her on the exam table. The sick old dude had ripped her shirt and then just…left her there.

Well, Pen wasn’t exactly just going to stay there and be a barbecue victim. They’d hooked her hands above her head on what looked like a meat hook from a freezer or something.

Like Miss Piggy led to the slaughter.

Talk about bone chilling.

It took her some wiggling, and she probably wouldn’t have managed it if she hadn’t been mostly arms and legs anyway, but she was able to at least get her arms free from the hook.

But getting her hands untied wasn’t going to happen.

She was just going to have to run for it with her hands bound. What was the alternative?

Ending up as acrispy critter, or something?

Not likely.

She was Zoey’s kid. Zoey’s kid didn’t just sit back and wait to fry in a madman’s fire.


Zoey would get her ass out of there, that was what.

Pen didn’t bother even trying to find something to get the tape off her hands. She could smell the smoke now.

It was close.

Really close.

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