Page 187 of Hearing her Cries

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To find the good guys and get them away from this hell forever.

He wasn’t going to stop her getting help for Crispin. Or for Sheriff Lake, or any of them.

He wasn’t.

He could cut off both of her arms, if that was what it took to get to her baby girl.

Nothingwas going to stop her from getting to her daughter.

Nothing. She swung out, her nails slashing across his cheek.

He grabbed her again, yanked. Yelled. Pulled far too hard for her to fight him no matter how hard she tried.

Bonnie’s head bounced off the concrete.

Her last thought before the darkness consumed her was for her daughter.

For all of them.

For the girls she had always loved so much.

If they were just ok.

That was all she wanted. More than anything.

That was all she wanted.

For her girls to just be ok.


She’d foundher way out of here. Zoey stared at the three vehicles in the huge multi-car garage and started to formulate a real plan. Two of the three vehicles were idling.

People were around—probably those assholes who had helped Eastman do this in the first place.

Money bought everything you could need, apparently.

At least in Finley Creek.

She had to find Pen, and get her sister out of here. And Oakley.

Terror for that little girl threatened to choke her, just as much as her terror for Pen. But Pen was resourceful. She could hold her own, if needed. Zoey had made certain her sister had street smarts to go along with that massive IQ, from the very beginning. She was praying her sister could use that to her advantage until Zoey could get to her.

She’d made it from the third floor hallways, all the way down to the first floor hallways again. She knew how to search a building for people.

Pen hadn’t been anywhere she could find. That meant…

If this guy was running away and he’d been after Pen for a long time, there was a possibility that he was trying to take Pen with him when he ran.

And he had friends to help him do that.

She had nothing to defend herself with. Nothing at all.

But she’d defend her sister and that little girl with nothing but her bare hands, if she had to.

Protecting her child was something amotherdid. No matter how she became a mother in the first place. Biological, foster, step, adopted, or guardian, or any other way possible—a mother protected her child.

With all the fury love could create.
