Page 43 of Hearing her Cries

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Of course, taking her would bring the entire FBI in his direction. They would possibly think it had something to do with her work, and that could mean they’d search relentlessly for her. Her husband was FBI as well. That could prove problematic.

If he made a mistake, it could ruin his entire experiment. But…

Gregory considered his every option as he followed her when she left the daycare after visiting her brothers’ children. She was right there.

In front of him. Almost for the verytaking.

When her car turned into the pharmacy parking lot a few blocks from the hospital, he stayed near. He walked in exactly three minutes after Denita’s daughter.

He just wanted to get closer to her. That was all.

She had Denita’s smile. The way of tilting her head just like that—Denita all over again.

He’d missed that woman’s smile so much. He deliberately bumped Denita’s daughter. “Oh, my dear, please excuse me. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m trying to find the right aisle, and am just not watching where I am going.”

She smiled a polite smile right at him. Oh, heaven help him, she looked just like her mother had so long ago. So long ago. He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, my dear. You just looked a great deal like my late wife when you smiled. Only, her eyes, not as dark. She’s been gone five years now. Five long years.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gregory nodded. “I suppose that was the way of things. Her heart. I always said that woman had just too much heart for this world sometimes. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll let you get back to your shopping. Have a nice day.”

“You, too, sir.” She smiled at him again.

Gregory looked down, at the items she had just placed into the little basket, as her cell phone rang.

“Please excuse me.” And then she just went around him and off to the side.

Gregory fought the urge to just scream, to rage.

He had gotten so close, but no.

Not to be. Nother.

It wasn’t going to beher.

There was a pregnancy test and prenatal vitamins in her basket.

Denita’s eldest daughter waspregnant.

Now he would have to find another.


It tookZoey a while to run down the woman she was looking for. Usually Sydney was at Blessed Reunions on Tuesdays. But today, Sydney had left a note pinned to the door of the garage that operated as the temporary headquarters of Blessed Reunions—they were remodeling a bank of offices inside Melody and Houghton’s house to use eventually—that she was taking Pen to the library.

Zoey waited. Then there they were—her sister and Sydney. She smirked. Pen hugged her.

Pen was happier now that they were living here. The house had a mother-in-law suite off the back. Pen said one day she would live there. But for now, she wanted to still be Zoey’s kid for a little while. That meant just down the hall.

Pen had turned a little clingier since the shooting. But they were working their way through it now.

It was the nicest place they had ever lived. Zoey was just ignoring the fact that her brother was the one paying for it. He’d bought the land from Houghton, then built a smart house right there, just so his siblings could use it someday. For whatever reason they needed to use it. Supposedly so he could tinker with the tech in the house before putting it for sale on the open market.

Her tech-genius brother liked tech, no denying that. But just randomly building a house right there in the most protected neighborhood in Finley Creek—she wasn’t stupid.

He’d built it while she was in the hospital.

For her and Pen.
