Page 17 of Calavera Society

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I ask her, making her pause, her fingers white knuckling the railing of the stairs. She looks over her shoulder, her voice dead.

“Calavera Society. Welcome to the family business.”


* * *


I stareat the front door of the home my sweet little stepsister entered with her boyfriend after being dropped off. I know they’re not actually a couple, but it was plainly obvious to my best friend Mateo that there’s some heavy sexual tension between them. It’s beside the point, far from the reason I’m here, but it’s information I store for later use.

Moving through the shadows, I was able to listen in on her and her whore of a mother talk for a while until Valeria’s pet decided he needed to step in with his two cents.

It was very enlightening. He’s a slave to the girl. I could easily tell thisNoahnot only lives for my stepsister, but he would also kill for her too. At least that’s what his veiled threats tell me.

The Council wanted to kill Valentina and Roberto’s unborn daughter, but for some reason I can’t comprehend, Roberto saved their pathetic lives. Now, after years of enduring his cruelty while hisactualchild lived peacefully without him, he wants her back. I should be thankful his attention will be on her, this weak, unsuspecting girl, but I’m not.

What does he want with her? Why did he give my mother and me his last name, raise me as his legitimate son and heir, denying his true offspring only to just through hoops to save her life and force her to come to Coventry?

I have no clue, but I’m determined to find out. I have suffered Roberto’s abuse, watched my mother be beaten and broken more times than I can count, watched her become a shell of who she once was. I was raised by Roberto to be a strategic player in this world, to be heard but never seen, to see weakness and use it to my advantage, but I don’t think he ever figured I used his teachings against him.

I smile to myself, fuck checkers, I play chess.

It’s a shame really, I’d love nothing more than to watch the bastard burn for his deceit and cruelty. Lies never make friends, and Roberto Calavera is the biggest liar of them all.

It doesn’t matter if the council will sanction his punishment or not, because in my mind, there’s no ruler prohibiting me. I may play the part of the Calavera puppet convincingly, but I answer to no one, and all I see is blood when I look at this pathetic family Roberto kept a secret. It’d be a fucking pleasure to end their lives in honor of my mother.

Roberto ruined her. Broke every piece inside her, throwing the nameValentinain her face any time he got, comparing the two women. I never knew about Roberto’s family, hell, I thought I was his actual son for years. When I asked my mother who this Valentina woman was, she said it was Roberto’s ex who died years ago, the girl he wanted to truly be with. I never looked into the woman, but during my ceremonial celebration when I was just a kid, Roberto announced his plans to bring his illegitimate daughter back.

On the night I was crowned the prince of the Calavera Society, celebrating becoming a novice to the society, I watched my mother spiral into a depression she’s never come out of.

After that, I was determined to find out all I could about this daughter. I continued to be the dutiful son, believing I could be the child Roberto saw as golden, perfect, irreplaceable. I told myself that his daughter, that unwanted sperm and egg, was nothing more than a charity case, that Roberto was only doing this out of pity.

It was long until I realized Roberto pities no one and every decision he makes is thoroughly thought out.

I soon found out who Valentina was through the rumor mill and my own research. It’s a shame she wasn’t there to witness her family’s death. Of course, I wasn’t either, but the rumors of their blood being spilled for her sins lull me to sleep on my bad nights.

Damn, I guess the real shame is that I wasn’t there to witness it.

In truth, I know I shouldn’t hate this woman nor her daughter. In fact, I should feel some sort of pity for them. Mourn for their wasted lives because now they’re slaves to Roberto just as me and my mother are…but the only soul I’ll ever mourn is my mother’s.

The lights inside Valeria’s house finally went off and after two hours of silence, I moved from my hidden spot.

I heard Noah’s declaration. Heard him say he would be going to Coventry, but I highly doubt the guy would survive a week there without someone’s protection.

Coventry isn’t for normal people, it’s not for blue collars or blissfully ignorant everyday Joe’s, but I do have to say I’m very intrigued by him. I briefly saw his face when he and Valeria arrived earlier, but it wasn’t enough. Thankfully Mateo did his job well…a little too well if you ask me, fucking Valeria was not exactly on the to do list, but he deserved a little self indulgence.

Mateo gathered enough information for me, including both Valeria's and Noah’s social media accounts. I have to say, my stepsister is one hell of a beauty. I can see why Noah is so hung up on the girl. She has bedroom eyes that stare through the screen at me in a way that makes me feel like she can truly see me. She’s seductive without trying to be.

One particular image stuck out to me, one that I admittedly screenshot and saved to my phone. It’s one she posted tonight, she’s sitting between two guys, one who turned out to be Noah and one with green tipped hair flipped to one side of his head.

Her arms were thrown over their shoulders while her knees were hooked over their thighs leaving her spread wide. Between her legs, almost directly on the seam of her jean clad pussy, was a rip in the fabric, showing just a hint of red lace panties. It was enough to make my cock rally, but it wasn’t until I took in her face that I really found myself adjusting my hard as fuck cock.

Her face was tipped up slightly, her hazel eyes smoldering as she pushed her tongue out, the tip curling and touching the two beer bottles held up to her mouth. Fuck me, even thinking about how sexy she looked had my dick hardening. The way Noah’s hand laid on her thigh, close enough to the rip in her jeans, a tear that undoubtedly gave him perfect access to driving his fingers into her heat. It drove me insane thinking of how they’d both look if he had moved his hand just a little higher.

My imagination ran wild, picturing exactly how it would all play out had I been there to command them to move how I want them to. His mouth would be dropped into an O, and her head would be tipped back, her bottom lip between her teeth as her hips worked to get his fingers deeper. But I wouldn’t let either of them come. No, that would be saved for me. I wouldn’t let either of them mark the other, not until I marked them both first.

It both shocked and pissed me off that my thoughts ran in such a direction from just one picture.
