Page 26 of Calavera Society

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I can hear his cunt of a mom bitching in the background, probably cussing his back out as he walks out of the house ignoring her.

“Yeah, why?”

I rattle off the website I found for the university and tell him to shove it down her throat so she can check it out for herself. She’ll home in on the catholic-like aspects of the school and immediately think it’s a place of Godly worship. She’s a stupid bitch who sees only what she wants to see.

“Alright, I’ll show it to her, but honestly, she can jump off a cliff for all I care. This is an opportunity to finally get away from her with all expenses paid—if that’s to be believed—so I’m not going to waste it. What is she going to do, chase me?”

We both chuckle at that, neither of us wanting to admit that we’re almost certain that’s what she’ll do. Noah reads the entire acceptance letter to me, explaining that he was chosen out of hundreds of students for a full ride scholarship program. His expenses and dorm will be paid for which is fucking fantastic, but something doesn’t smell right.

How was Noah chosen when he never applied for such an opportunity? Until very recently, we had no clue CU even existed.

Like us, my mom didn’t feel right about it, but the notary stamp and dean’s signature were legit. Mom suggested Noah call the number provided and he let us know it was all true. Somehow, Noah had been accepted into the music program because his education records prove he has great promise in that area. He will be able to pick other majors if he so chooses, which is hella fucking odd considering you’re usually stuck with the major you were chosen for, especially when it’s on someone else’s dime.

Was this my father’s doing? If so, why would he do that when he doesn’t even know Noah, much less my strong bond with him?

With promises to meet up before leaving for the airport later in the evening, we hang up.

“See you on the dark side.” I tell him before ending the call and collapsing on my bed.

* * *

I must’ve fallen asleep the moment my head hit the pillow because suddenly I’m jolting awake at the sound of my phone ringing. I roll to the edge of the bed and sit up, stretching my neck and groaning when the bones pop loudly. My phone has gone silent now, but it immediately begins ringing again.

“Hello?” I answer groggily before looking at the screen.

“Hello, little sister.”

All traces of sleep disappear at the sound of the deep, gravelly voice. I stand and look around my dark room as though whoever this is, is standing in the shadows. I click on my bedside lamp, doing my best to keep myself from freaking out as I peek my head into the hallway. I can see my mom sitting on the couch, her notebook in her hand and her pen flying across the pages, completely oblivious to the wannabeGhostfaceon the phone with me.

“Who is this?” I ask, feeling a little like Sidney Prescott.

“I really hope you’re not serious with that question. I mean, I did just refer to you asstepsister.”

Three different emotions wash over me in mere seconds, like the wild waves of the ocean on the rocky shore.




I embrace the last one, setting my teeth on edge and forcing my voice to come out even.

“Well, Rey Calavera,” I sneer at his stupid name stuck tomysurname without a right to be there, “considering I’ve never known shit about you, nor spoken to you, I’d say my question was valid. I mean, you could have been a mentally unstable psycho who refers to all the girls he stalks as hisstepsister. Hell, you might still be.”

“Ah, you’re as refreshing as I thought you’d be.” His tone suggests I’m anything but refreshing, “There is a car waiting for you outside of your house. You have thirty minutes to say your goodbyes.”

I quickly run to the window facing the front yard and see that the asshole isn’t lying.

“I look forward to getting to know you and Noah. It’ll be interesting to learn all the ways I can get under your skin.”

What the hell does that mean and how the fuck does he know Noah’s name?

Rey chuckles, “I can tell by your silence that you’re wondering how I know who your best friend is, but as they say, it’s better to kiss andnottell.”

With that he hangs up, leaving me wading through a giant mix of emotions. After everything with my parents, my first instinct is to feel yet another betrayal, but I shut that down fast. Noah would never betray me. Rey is just trying to fuck with me, get in my head with games just like my father.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that Rey was raised learning my father’s scheming ways, so I will not be trusting jack shit he has to say. I rush downstairs and find my mom in a stare off with Rey who leans casually against a beautiful black Rolls Royce parked against our curb.

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