Page 47 of Calavera Society

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Rey talks a big game, but I’m nothing if not a master player.


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After wakingup from a shitty day slash jet induced coma, I took a much-needed shower and got ready for the shindig these fuckers have on for tonight. I may not like anyone here, but I never say no to free booze. Fuck, I hope they have alcohol. Val texted me an hour ago, letting me know she was getting ready too, and would be in the kitchen eating once she was done.

I smirk to myself thinking about the reason that has become her ritual now, eating before partying. It was my seventeenth birthday party out on the lake property and Rico supplied the liquor while everyone pitched in for kegs to be delivered. It was a wild as fuck night with lots of random chants for chugging. Val bet three hundred bucks she could out drink Rico and being the cliche douche that he can be, he shook her hand on it.

Neither of them fared well the next day, but Val was three hundred dollars richer. Of course, the money went straight to her mother’s credit card debts, but Val was happy to help her out, even if it cost her a liver.

My smirk disappears when I think of that. Roberto could have easily fixed that with one word instead of letting his kid grow up too fast. Fucking cunt.

Blowing out a breath, I finish lacing up my boots and stand before pulling on my black wool trench coat over my leather vest and black jeans. I leave my hair as it is, haphazard and wet, before tucking my gun in my waist and my phone into my pocket. As I go to open my door, Nimona is standing there with her fist raised to knock.

She jumps in surprise, “Sorry, I was just coming by to bring you your mask.”

My brow arches, “Mask? We doing hood shit tonight, ‘Mona?”

Her face blushes at my nickname for her, but she plays it cool with an amused eye roll, “Nah, no robbin’ tonight. It’s customary for the guys to wearDía del los Muertosmasks.”

She hands me a black gift bag before asking after Val.

“She’s in the kitchen. I’ll be right there.”

I watch her walk away before pulling the mask free of the purple paper stuffing. The entire thing is a dark gray with black, red, white and yellow diamonds forming flowers around the eyes. Small studded white diamonds line up perfectly around the mouth, making up the skull teeth and stitched smile. The whole thing is cool as fuck and something I could see myself wearing every year for the Day of the Dead.

I pull the harness over my head and settle the mask on my face, loving the mesh netting that covers my eyes. When I look in the mirror, I decide to tie my hair back into a sloppy as fuck manbun, so it doesn’t hang over and cover the badassery that is my new favorite mask.

With my wool jacket on and my hair pulled back into a style I never do; I look like I could be someone else. I smirk under my mask, making a mental note to scare the shit out of Val at some point tonight. Not wanting her to see the mask yet, I take it off and tuck it into the inside breast pocket of my jacket, before releasing my hair and leaving the room. I don’t have a key for this door, but luckily, I know how to pick a lock, so I lock it from the inside and close it before walking over to Val’s room and doing the same thing.

Growing up in the hood like we did means you pick up little valuable life lessons, things that may seem inconsequential at the time, but help you in the long run. Especially during unanticipated times, like say, breaking into the school the night before the first day of senior year. We spent the night super-gluing everything, including but not limited to, every single pen or pencil to the table top of his desk.

I make it to the kitchen and all thoughts of adolescent pranks flee my mind when my eyes land on Val as she blows into the cup of noodles in her hand. My eyes stray to the outfit she’s wearing, my cock standing to salute the absolute goth goddess before us.

The entire dress that gloves her curvy body is black, but the intricate design on it just adds to her sinuous frame. Black leather cups barely reach an inch above her nipples and push her breasts up, making my mouth water for a lick of her cleavage. Wrapping around her ribs, stomach and the tops of her hips is black lace that is stitched together in a spiderweb pattern, exposing her tan skin beneath.

The tight leather skirt stops just beneath her ass cheeks, and it takes a fuck ton of restraint not to slap the shit out of Nimona just to cover her eyes from viewing what I want no one else to see, man or woman. Fuck! I want her.

I want her tied to my bed.

I want my name on her lips.

I want my cum on her skin.

I want my tongue in every motherfucking hole she has.

She makes me mad, a fucking lunatic in a constant state of need. I’m frenzied for her, hungry for a taste of her orgasms, fuckingachingfor just one damn night spent with my face buried between her legs.

But I’ll never have her, and that’s my fucking fault. My own cowardice is what caused this abyss between us. I can’t right my wrongs because I’m motherfucking guilty of the falsehood I weaved in her mind about me.

Me, no one else. No one to blame for my fuck up, no one to hate for the loss of what could have been before it even began.

But fuck me if I’ll let anyone else have her. It may sound fucking crazy, but if I can’t have Valeria, no one else will. I will cut, shoot and motherfucking kill anyone who tries to have what I can’t. My fault or not, I’ll make every hungry man or woman lusting after Val feel the same bereft longing I feel.

“Uh, you okay, Noh?”
