Page 53 of Calavera Society

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The dust motes dancearound us, bearing witness to the knife slicing through the leather fabric of my stepsister’s corset top. The light of the moon gives praise as her breasts fall free, her nipples puckering in the cold stagnant air of the church.

It was all too easy to get Noah on my side, one little promise of protecting Valeria and he was under my thumb like I knew he would be. I watched him tonight, how his unease and antisocial demeanor put him apart from everyone, even from the outcasts. I knew he and Valeria would find themselves with the outsiders, being as they, themselves are the outcasts.

Little did they know, Rina is Mateo’s ex-girlfriend, and that bitch is beholden to me until I say otherwise…which will be until her usefulness runs dry. She royally fucked over Mateo about a year ago and I caught her in the act. Rina begged me not to tell Mateo, after all, she knew he’d have no problem killing her manipulative ass. In favor of keeping her treacherous secret, Rina broke up with Mateo -which helped me in convincing him to get back on his medication- and has become my little slave.

She’s my victim and I wield the axe over her head. She was her father’s tool in a deadly game against the Del Toro family, and she lost…to me.

An eye for an eye.

I met up with Rina after leaving Mateo’s house and told her she would befriend Valeria. If she didn’t, she knew the consequences. Defying me is never a safe option.

I made sure Rina had the correct lines to feed Valeria’s fears and worry for her friend’s life and the rest, as they say, is history.

Getting Noah here was basically the same, only it was Mateo who passed along the message of the ritual picking from a pool of females. When Noah found me, it was too easy to confirm what he was told. He went from threatening my life to begging for hers. It was pathetic, yet it still twisted the lifelong bitter blade in my heart.

Not even my mother would have ever begged for my life.

I shoved those thoughts aside and made Noah an offer he would never refuse.

‘Do what I say for the rest of the night, and I’ll make sure she won't be called tonight.’

His eyes narrowed, his Adam’s apple bobbed, ‘What is with you people? Doesn’t anyone here give a fuck about anything besides their agenda?’

I shrugged, ‘You don’t have to take the offer, I can just stand back while they cut into Valeria’s skin. Hell, maybe I’ll even help them.’

Noah pulled his gun on me, ‘Or I can just kill you and get her out of here.’

I smirked, ‘you’d be doing me a favor, but none for her. She’ll still be called, still be bled, and you’ll have wasted time arguing with me.’

After a moment, he growled and shoved me away, ‘Fuck, fine. I’ll do it, asshole.’

My smile was victorious as I lightly touched his throat, my thumb moving across his clenched jaw as his pulse beat rapidly, ‘Be careful with promises, the devil is listening.’

Noah has good instincts, but Coventry and his love for Valeria will be his downfall. This is my town, and everyone plays a game I lead in, whether they realize it or not. The only one coming out on top is me because I always get what I want.

And what I want is standing in the light of the moon, half naked and looking like an ethereal goddess.

“Turn around.” I tell her, knowing Noah can’t speak or he’ll give away his identity.

I watch as Valeria slowly turns in place, my breath holding in my lungs as I wait for her to recognize her friend. Her eyes rove over him, his mask covering his face. Thankfully the wool jacket he came in is nowhere in sight and his hair is pulled into a low man bun making him look like a guy who slicks back his hair. While his shirt covers his skin and the done up top button of his collar blocks the view of his tattoos, I can still see the wheels turning in her head.

Does she recognize his clothes? He’s wearing gloves like my own, but does she spot Noah’s mannerisms in the way his fists tighten at his sides?

When her eyes reach his hard cock beneath his jeans, her pupils dilate like she’s high on LSD and all weariness melts into submissive hunger. It makes my mouth water with the need to take them both.

“Take the rest of your clothes off.” I tell her, my burning lust evident in my husky voice.

She hesitates, her eyes bouncing between me and the stranger at my side.

“If you’re worried about my friend here, I assure you,” I roughly grab the back of Noah’s neck and force him to his knees, “It’s me you should fear. Do as I say, or I’ll make sure your Noah suffers for it.”

“You fucking prick.” Valeria snarls but she shimmies out of the dress before kicking the fabric aside.
