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“Fuck you! I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He shrugs. “Your choice.”

He moves his arm as though he’s going to shoot my brother in the head. “No! Fuck! Fine, I’ll do it, but swear you’ll call them.”

He stares at me, his green eyes assessing me in anger. “I give you my word, I’ll call for an ambulance. Now get in the fucking car,Bruja. I won’t tell you again.”

“Where are the cuffs?” I snap as I drop into the driver’s seat but he points to the passenger side. With a snarl, I let my dirty boots scratch and tear across the center console.

He reaches into his pocket and produces a couple of zip ties, tossing them both to me. Once I have my right wrist secured, I cock a brow at him.

He leaves my brother’s side, kicking his wounded leg when Vicente tries to reach for him.

“Stop!” I scream, yanking on the bind. “I did what you asked, now call the police!”

Alvaro drops into the driver seat, his phone already in his hand, but he points the gun at my head. “You say anything about me and I’ll leave your body beside your brother’s.Entiéndeme?”

I nod, not trusting my voice right this second.

Doing as he instructed, I tell them there was a motorcycle wreck and give the location to the operator before Alvaro hangs up, leaning out the open window to warn my brother.

“If you ever want to see your sister again, you’ll keep your mouth shut about me and my father.”

Hearing my brother’s broken screams as we pull away from him breaks my heart into a thousand pieces. As long as I live, I’ll never forget that sound. I know he’ll survive, I know he’ll be okay, but I’m not sure I will be.

I stare at Alvaro’s profile, tears dripping down my cheeks as a vow forms in my broken heart; I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but one day, I will kill him.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask after twenty minutes of driving. It looks like we’re headed out of town. I wonder if he even knows where we’re going.

“To a private airfield where a jet waits for us,” he says simply, not elaborating even though it’s my life on the line.

“Why? Is my father there?”

He doesn’t answer me. He only sniffs, leaning toward the door, but that was his mistake because the adjustment puts his gun within perfect reach, unobstructed by his arm.

I reach for it fast, gripping the handle before he can even stop me, but since I’m using my left hand, I can’t pull it free. Instead, I get an elbow to the side of my head, leaving me disoriented enough that I don’t register the car stopping until Alvaro has me pressed back against my seat. His hand grips my jaw tightly, his face so close to mine that I feel his breath blow hot against my sweaty skin.

“Don’t try that shit again, little girl. You’ll walk away from me, but if you do that with anyone else, you’ll be dead before your brother gets out of the hospital.”

His eyes bounce between mine before they drop to my lips. The air turns electrical the longer he stares, touching me with his gaze. I try to turn away from him but he holds me firmly.

“Do not try something like that again.” He shoves off me, pulling back onto the road.

My jaw aches and my head pounds, but mostly I’m pissed with myself.

I should have been faster.

I groan and sit back, closing my eyes and wishing a meteorite would drop down and kill this bastard.

“I’m sorry I hit you,” I hear him mumble as he turns into a brightly lit, small craft airport and parks near a jet where the stairs touch down onto the tarmac.

“Fuck you,” I tell him. Rubbing my head, my stomach turns with nausea when the action sends another blinding bolt of pain through my skull.

“Unfortunately, it’s my father who’ll have that honor,stepmother.”

That’s when my stomach decides to empty itself, before unconsciousness takes me into its embrace.

