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“One Kiss” by Dua Lipa

“No mames.” I let out a sigh when Vicenta passes out after vomiting wine all over herself and the floor of the car I rented just this morning. I don’t give a fuck about the car, but now I have to carry her wet, pukey ass.

I can’t say I blame her. If I knew I would be the bed warmer of someone old enough to be my parent, I’d be sick to my stomach as well. In fact, I am, but herExorcistact doesn’t help me in the slightest.

I climb from the car, tossing the keys to one of the airport workers before walking around to Vicenta’s door. I quickly cut through the binds with my knife before gingerly reaching under her legs. When I have her in my arms, I adjust her against my chest and begin walking towards her doom. I hate this with every fiber in my body. Sure, I’ve done some fucked up things in my life—all in the name of my father—but forcing this youthful beauty to become his wife…mystepmother? Well, it’s a new low.

I do have to admit though, watching her maneuver like a veteran racer was something I won’t quickly forget.If ever.

In the weeks that I’ve been here in Texas, I’ve learned all the places Vicenta and her brother like to sneak off to. It wasn’t difficult to figure out where they were when Vicente’s Audi wasn’t in their driveway. It was luck, however, that I ran into the brother. He didn’t know it was me when he revved his motorcycle at me, looking for a race with the fast Corvette. When he realized I wasn’t racing him but rather following him, he didn’t hesitate to take off in search of his sister.

I’ve never seen a woman handle a motorcycle as she did, nor have I seen one protect someone who wasn’t their child at the stake of her own life. Hitting her brother in the leg was not my intention, but mistakes happen and in the end, I got exactly what I chased.

Her head lolls to my neck as I start climbing the stairs of the jet. I do my best to ignore the way her hair smells like lemons or how her body feels perfect in my arms.

If I could, I’d take her for myself. Not for marriage—I just want to play with her.

Watching her ride that motorcycle had visions flashing in my mind of riding her ass with the same roughness. Fuck me, I bet she’d ride me just as good.

“Ah, my bride has arrived.” My father’s voice has my steps faltering. Sometimes it feels like he can read my thoughts, especially now with that knowing gleam in his eyes.

My father wasn’t always this way. He used to be a better leader, someone who was quick with ruthless justice, but also slow to anger. He never would have forced himself on a woman.

Something occurs to me then, something that has my hands gripping the girl in my arms tighter.

I’ve seenBrujain action, and despite my warning in the car, I know she’ll fight my father’s touch. Fuck, I hope she does, but I have the gut-churning thought that he’ll just rape her anyway.

“She threw up all over herself. I’m going to take her to the back and get one of the stewards to clean her up.”

He nods and takes a step back, disgust written across his features at the mention of vomit. I turn from him, making my way to the back bedroom.

Before I can fully place Vicenta on the bed, she rolls toward me, trapping my arm and pulling me over her. She stretches her legs and moans at the pain in her head. I’d feel bad about that if it weren’t for how fucking hard I suddenly am.

“Bruja,” I say softly to wake her, but she just moans again.

Fuck me, is she not wearing a bra? I watch her chest rise and fall, the thin material of her tight little sweater showing the pointed tips of her nipples. I move her hair from her face, taking in her relaxed features and, unable to stop myself, lightly run my fingers down her nose and over the hills of her full lips. She moans again, the sound going straight to my aching cock. Her lips part and her tongue comes out to wet them, touching my finger in the most tempting way.

My breathing comes faster, the throbbing in my pants begging for release, but I force myself to be still until she settles once more.

Before I do something stupid, I pull my arm free, watching her chest rise and fall for a moment, gripping myself through my slacks. Fuck, what I wouldn’t do to slide her pants off and see how she sounds when my tongue dives into her sweet—

“SeñorBanderas?” A flight attendant’s timid voice interrupts my thoughts, making me spin in place and scaring the young girl. She blushes hard, her pretty blue eyes casting a quick glance toward my tented pants before biting her bottom lip in an inviting way.

Fuck it, she looks nothing like Vicenta, but she’ll do.

I step closer to her, wishing her heavy breathing sounded more like the littleBruja’s. I cup her jaw, and dip my head down to hers, pulling back when she lifts up to kiss me. I never kiss when I fuck. I have no interest in it. Sex is sex, simple, no emotions—just the need to get ourselves off and move on. Kissing is more intimate and I’m anything but intimate; I just wanted to make sure I was reading this girl correctly.

“Turn around and put your chest on the bed.” She casts a quick glance at the still sleeping Vicenta, but does as she’s told. With her ass out, I free myself from my slacks, pulling a condom from my wallet and quickly rolling it on.

“Play with yourself, but if you wake her, I’ll leave you hanging. Understood?”

I see her nod her head. She lifts her skirt and begins playing with her clit until I’m finally pushing into her. I keep my eyes onBrujaas I pull out of the girl and slam back in, imagining it’s her instead of this blonde woman.

I never take my eyes off Vicenta while roughly fucking the whimpering woman, not repremanding her for her sounds. I almost hopeBrujawakes up and sees me.

Would she be angry?
