Page 109 of My Desire (Mi Deseo)

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I breathe in Romero’s scent once before straightening, catching Darío’s eye as he nods almost proudly at my determination not to fold under the twisted scene before me. If this is typical of being in a cartel love affair then I need to be ready for twisted shit like this.

As he closes the lid, he looks over to us, his eyes catching Alvaro’s unaffected ones. “I believe we have a deal to make, no?”

“I believe we do.”

Alvaro leans down and kisses my cheek. “Close your eyes,Bruja.”

“You coddle her too much,” Darío says. “Let her watch. This is for her after all.”

I grind my jaw, ignoring him as I watch Alvaro move to his father while Romero slides his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side as he watches the scene before us.

“No te algas, cabrón.Tu tienes la culpa,” he says, holding his hands outward. “I could have taken a lot from you. I did in fact! But the second you murdered my mother…you signed your own execution.”

Marío looks at Romero, anger burning through his eyes.

”Que miras, puto?” ‘Mero demands with a slice of a smile across his face.

“Did thisculero–” Alvaro’s backhand cuts Marío's words off.

“Mi madre, culero!My fuckingmother!You took her life and made me believe it was suicide. You had me believe it was because of my choices that she killed herself, when all along it was you. Now, it’s your turn.”

Alvaro pulls his gun out, his left hand fisting his father’s gray hair while everyone stands back and watches. I grip Romero’s arm, using him to keep me standing as I watch Alvaro quake with pent-up rage. Fury pulsates from him with every pounding beat of his heart.

“Abre tu pinche boca putito,” he demands his father.

When he refuses to open his mouth, Alvaro slams Marío’s forehead against the table’s edge, pulling the flailing man out of the chair and onto his knees. “OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!”

Marío’s head bleeds heavily, yet he still refuses to do as his son demands. He folds his lips inward, his eyes locked on Alvaro’s.

I try to move, to go to my angry man—to do what, I don’t know—but Romero holds me back, restraining me against his hard body as Vicente steps in front of me, his back to me while Darío speaks to Alvaro.

“Apurate,‘Varo. Mátalo.”

“Tu no hables con el,Darío.”I snap my hand out, my finger pointed at the Delagos Don. “Let him do what he needs to do.”

Alvaro laughs. “Do you hear that,apa?” He leans down into Marío’s face. “She stands bymyside.”

With brutal force, Alvaro hammers down on Marío with the butt of his gun, breaking bone and skin before slamming the barrel into his father’s mouth, the sick sound of teeth breaking echoing around the room.

With a manic smile across his face, Alvaro lets his father’s hair go and lifts his chin. “Para mi madre. Para mi mujer.”

For my mother. For my woman.

He pulls the trigger and the reign of Marío Banderas comes to a gruesome end on the cold stone floors of the Delagos’ mansion. He steps over his father’s twitching body and pulls the trigger three more times.

The room spins and I realize I’ve been holding my breath. I blow out, blinking my eyes at the dots that dance in my vision. Romero begins to speak, but is cut off when suddenly, all the guns are out and pointed in every direction.

My mother has two guns in her hands as she rounds the corner, the guard that led us here lying dead at her feet. How did I not hear her shoot? One gun is pointed at Romero, the other is pointed at Alvaro.

Everyone’s gun is pointed at her.

“Mama!”I scream, holding my hands out and doing my best to calm the situation. “What are you doing? Please, put the guns down, no one will hurt you.”

Her eyes are frantic,hysterical, her gaze never settling on one person for too long until they land on my brother.

“You will not have her, José!” she screams wildly.

I look at Darío. “I thought you gave her medicine.”
