Page 108 of My Desire (Mi Deseo)

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“It seems introductions are not necessary, so let’s get on with this, shall we?”

On the table between him and Marío is a feast of different dishes. Some have round silver tops over them to keep the food beneath them fresh. The aroma in the room is amazing, but if you really inhale, you can somewhat taste the metallic tang in the air of the dead guards. I try to breathe through my nose and focus on the scent of the food.

“Alvaro?” Marío growls, his face red with betrayal. “What have you done?!”

My green-eyed man smiles that same deadly smile he gave to me the night we met, only now it’s filled with honest malice.

“Making surewe,” he gestures between himself and Romero, “get our girl back.”

Marío turns to me, his lip curling before he turns back to Darío who looks like he just hit the jackpot of telenovelas as he pops a grape in his mouth beneath his mask. His gray eyes are all I can see, but they’re crinkled at the corners; I know his smile is wide.

“Qué chingados esta pasando aqui,Darío?”

The Delagos prince spreads his hands wide. “Well, I was just about to tell you about a new business venture I’m taking, one I think you’ll find very interesting.

“You see, Marío, I’m a particular man, with even more particular needs. When I received word that you were planning to bribe me with the granddaughter of my father’s enemy, I wanted to see this girl for myself. After all, I didn’t care about the dead enemies of my father, so what made you think she’d be a good offer?”

“She’s not just a Vargas,” Mario starts. “She is also the daughter of your father’s right hand man.”

Darío tilts his head to the side. “That is true, but again, I have no interest in the daughter of someone who means nothing to me without power behind it. Yet, I couldn’t help but think about how persistent you were in this offer. Was it because of her bloodline, or was it more? What was this power you saw in this girl?”

He walks around the table, his gleaming gun still in his hand, and pulls Marío’s chair out before shoving the man until he’s seated. He adjusts his blue suit, unbuttoning the coat and leaning on the edge of the table so that he’s looking down on Marío.

“To find the answers myself, I followed Vicenta for a while in Acapulco and the things I witnessed—“ He whistles low while me and the guys glance at one another in question.

What does he mean?Darío chuckles at our confusion before reaching up and gripping the mask under his chin. I’ve seen his face before, so it’s nothing new for me to lay my eyes on the handsome psycho, but the second my guys see his face, they go rigid at my side.

“You were the reporter taking pictures,” Alvaro says at the same time Romero says, “You were the waiter at the bar.”

Darío grins. “Yes, I wear many faces, but that’s not what’s important. You see, on my reconnaissance of Vicenta, I found that she truly has no power, not of the cartel kind, that is. Not until you decided to play cupid, Marío. She’s a pretty little curse that you plagued your own house with and the consequence of that choice was evident immediately. Her beauty and intelligence drew in not one buttwoempires!”

He whistles low, shaking his head. “And you thought I’d take her curse upon myself?No mames, güey.La Muretahas more appeal to me—no offense, Vicenta.”

I shrug. “None taken.”

Darío looks back at Banderas, intrigue on his face. “Did you know her men have given her two dark names?BrujayDiabla. The titles grow with each passing minute. No, I don’t want her, Marío, but she was the skeleton key into two kingdoms because even though she came with no power behind her name, she created it on her own.”

He clicks his tongue, tilting his head as he stares at the fuming man before him.

“As I said, I’m a particular man, and unfortunately for you, Marío, you and your offers do not meet my needs in the least. Why would I want to ally with you against Herrera, when I can have both cartels as my allies?”

“I will never stand with you!” Marío shouts as he tries to stand, but Darío’s guards pull their guns free and aim at the foolish man who quickly sits again.

“Have you always been this stupid? Of course you won’t stand with me. Even if you wanted to, I wouldn’t allow it, and that’s why your son will take your place. Together with Romero Herrera, they will become a single empire ruled by this curvy little curse you brought upon yourself. As for me, well, I will reap the benefits of that union.”

Marío slams his hand on the table, rising from his seat. The guards move again, but Darío raises his hand, stopping them.

“He has no weapons,” Darío says to us while keeping his excited eyes on Marío.

“I demand to see your father! There’s no chance in hell he’d stand for this foolishness.”

Darío laughs, shrugging his shoulders. “I assure you, as of three hours ago, my father is in full agreement with anything I choose to do, but if you insist. You might want to take a seat though.”

We all watch as Darío places his skull mask on the table before reaching over to the large silver dish cover, a sickening smile on his face. He lifts the cover and my stomach rolls with instant nausea as a decapitated head of a man I’ve never seen before comes into view, a grapefruit stuck in his mouth as his dead eyes stare at Marío.

“Go ahead,” he says to an ashen-faced Marío who drops back down onto his seat. “Ask him what he thinks.”

I swallow my bile, pushing my face into Romero’s shoulder. Who the hell kills his own father and displays him in such a sick fucking manner?! Fucking hell, does Darío have to be so crazy? I’m the only one who seems to be green. Well, me and Marío it seems.

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