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I squeal and adjust myself in my seat so I can see the Maserati SUV. Alvaro slows, downshifting so he’s not using the breaks so hard. When he gets about seventy miles per hour, he shifts and slams on the gas. I grip theoh-shitbar, my cheeks hurting from how long I’ve been smiling for. I watch the guards fall further and further behind us.

“You think we’ll be in trouble for this?”

He scoffs. “I will be, not you.”

My smile drops and I realize that this is not a safe thing to do here. Not for the son of the cartel boss. What will happen to him? Will Marío hurt him for ditching the guards?

“Hey,” he says when he sees the joy leave me, “it was worth it. Don’t worry about me. I’m a big boy and I can handle Marío.”

I nod my head, but I’m not fully convinced. I know I shouldn’t care what happens to Alvaro; in fact, I should be happy to see him hurt. After all, it was him who hurt my brother. But I don’t feel that way. Alvaro is my only ally here, the only friend I have in this extremely unfriendly place. I can’t say for sure that we’re actually friends, but it’s as close as it can get and the last thing I want is for him to be banned from me.

We pull into a visitor’s parking area off the bay.

“We’re deep in the north side of Acapulco—our territory. The mall was closer to the border which is why the Herrera men were there. We’ll be safe here.”

“Are they your enemies or something?” I ask.

He holds my gaze for a moment before nodding and picking up his phone. He taps the screen a few times before it begins ringing through the car’s speakers.


I gasp when I hear my brother’s voice, my eyes tearing up as Alvaro hands me the phone.

“Vin,” I sigh, my tears evident in my voice.

“Vi?! Oh my God! Where are you? Are you okay?” My eyes close as I soak in his voice.

“I’ll let you have a few minutes with him,” Alvaro says softly as he wipes a tear from my cheek.

Thank you, I mouth before leaning in to kiss him quickly.

Alvaro smiles sadly before leaving me alone in the car.

“Vi? Are you there? Fuck, did I lose her?”

“I’m here,” I cry. “I’m so sorry I haven’t called you. I landed here just last night and this is the first time I’ve been allowed to call.”

“Where ishere, Vi? Dad won’t answer any of my questions. I told him how you were taken, but he just tells me that you’re fine. He makes it sound like you’re on a fucking vacation!”

I hear Vicente’s voice crack and my heart splits. “Listen to me, Vin. Fuck Dad. He’s a lying bastard. He sold me to that old Banderas guy that showed up at the restaurant. I’m in Acapulco, Mexico.”

“What?!” He bellows so loudly that even Alvaro turns and looks at me through the windshield.

“I know. But listen, Vin, I don’t know when or if I’ll be able to call you again. Alvaro is doing this without—”

“Alvaro? You mean that cartel bitch whoshotme andkidnappedyou?”

My stomach sinks at the venom in his voice, knowing he has every right to hate him. Still, he doesn’t know him like I do…he doesn’t realize that Alvaro has no choice in all of this either.

“Yes, he’s the same, but believe it or not, he’s my only friend here. He’s been keeping me safe and away from his father. No one has hurt me in any way.”

I think of the guard who slapped me, but I don’t think Vicente could handle that information right now. He’s silent for a while, his rough and angry breathing the only thing I hear. Still, I take it in and burn it into my memories.

“I should have listened to you, Vi. We should have run.”

“Don’t do that.” I shake my head even though he can’t see me, wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath. “I’m going to get out of this. I’m going to get back home to you, but you have to promise me something.”

“What is it?”
