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“Alvaro!” I scream, running forward.

My brother yells my name as he grabs my arm, pulling me back and holding me as I squirm against him. I need to get to them, to put myself between them before they kill one another. Even while Romero continues to speak as though he has no fear of being killed, I beg with all of my soul that Alvaro puts the gun away.

“He won’t kill him,” Vicente tells me through gritted teeth. “He wouldn’t hurt you that way.”

I sag in his arms when my prayers are answered. Alvaro drops the gun and they shake hands. I don’t know what Romero says when he steps into Alvaro’s face, but the relief I feel when he walks away unscathed leaves me feeling shaky.

I watch as Alvaro tucks his gun away into the small of his back, his green eyes landing on me.

“See?” Vicente says low. “Madness.”

Alvaro leaves from my view just as Romero walks out of the building, his steps purposeful and sure. I squeeze my brother’s forearms once before letting him go and meeting Romero half way.

“What—” His lips crash against mine, stopping my words.

“It’s done.” He breathes deeply when he pulls back. “Just as I promised you.”

“My brother?” I ask as I stare into his blue eyes.

“Yes,Diabla. He’s coming with us.”

I smile at him, my eyes closing as I say a silent prayer of thanks before turning to the sound of footsteps on the boardwalk.

Alvaro stops ten feet away from us, his eyes on me as Romero moves back, speaking softly. “I’ll give you two a minute.”

He kisses my cheek before letting me go and moving to my brother. I hear them speaking but I’m not paying attention as I hesitantly take a step toward Alvaro.

“Thank you,” I tell him sincerely. “I–uh, I don’t know what to say.”

He walks closer, reaching up to cup my jaw. “You never have to thank me. Not for anything. But I need you to know that I was never going to marry Katalina. My father had his suspicions about my feelings for you and like usual, he wanted to hurt me for it.”

He leans down and kisses me, not giving two fucks that I just kissed his enemy or that everyone’s eyes are on us…I don’t either.

My soul sighs and I give in, kissing Alvaro and running through the green fields once more.

When he pulls back, his eyes burn with that touch of madness I never noticed. “I’ll never give up trying to earn your forgiveness,Bruja. In my mind, you’re still mine and I’m yours.”

He steps back, his hand sliding down to mine before leading me to the boat and helping me step in. I move to my seat where Vicente now sits, his sunglasses back on. “Tan loca.”

My face burns with embarrassment that I just kissed two men in front of my brother.

“Shut the hell up!” I growl at him as Romero starts the boat.

I watch Alvaro until we round the island, his face never once losing that desperate look.

“So, who’s up for jet ski racing?” Romero’s voice calls, his eyes meeting mine. He gives me a wink and with that small gesture, I feel my body relax.

My brother whoops and slaps his hand on the boat’s side. “Hell yeah!”

“You mean, who’s ready to lose because I’m kicking both of your asses!” I tell him with a laugh.

I can’t be too sure, but when he turns his attention back to the ocean, I think I hear Romero's words.

Yes, you are, Diabla.


