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After another quiet moment of my father sizing up the man and weighing his words carefully, he nods. “How old is your daughter?”

I move forward a step subconsciously, wondering where Marío is going with this. I hope he’s not trying to buy a wife for me.

Victor looks thrown with the new line of questioning. “I–uh, she’s nineteen. Why?”

Marío nods, looking back at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Is she a virgin, Alvaro?”

I nod my head, ignoring Victor’s outraged sounds and my own churning gut. “Her recent medical records indicate she is. Plus, her brother is far too protective of her, and Victor has a tight leash on her education and training to even allow her a social life.”

I never mentioned her street racing to my father, so I keep that part to myself for now. For some reason, knowing Vicenta goes to great lengths to keep her joys and desires from her parents makes me want to protect her secrets as well.

“She will be your payment. Give her to me and I will wipe your slate clean.”

“No!” Victor shouts, standing in anger. I’m fast to pull my gun, not giving a single fuck if anyone sees us or not. Victor quickly puts his hands up, but continues to glare at Marío’s unbothered face.

“I’d rather give you my life than tosellmy daughter to you. Something else.”

“Sit the fuck down,” I growl, following him with the barrel of my Ruger as he slowly retakes his seat.

I tuck my gun away and move back to my spot. I don’t bother looking around to see if anyone is calling the cops—this meeting will be done before they can respond.

“Fine,” my father says, “I’ll kill you and take her anyway. I’ll sell your haggard-looking wife and put your son to work. Does that plan better suit you?”


“You have thirty seconds to decide the fate of yourself and your family, but rest assured that either way, I will get what I want.”

“What do you want her for?”

“She’ll be a wife. Continue the legacy of the Banderas. After all, is that not what you toasted to? Both of our families will prosper. Twenty-five seconds.”

Victor swears, tears dripping from his eyes while his begging falls on deaf ears.

“Ten seconds,” my father continues to countdown ominously. When he gets to the two second mark, Victor caves.

“Deal!” he screams. Then he begins to weep.

If I could cry, I’d probably be sobbing beside the weak bastard. My fucking stomach sinks as I realize my future is now tied to thebruja. I do not want a wife, even if she’s as beautiful and intriguing as Vicenta. I cannot believe my father would do this to me after all he has taken from me already…I force my head to clear before my mask slips.

“Very well. Your life is safe.” My father stands and leans over the table so his face is inches from Victor’s, “But if you ever allow something like this to happen again, I’ll kill your entire family, one by one.”

“Please, don’t hurt my daughter. She’s a good girl with a bright future—”

“The only thing that will hurt your daughter is the children she bears.” My father claps me on the shoulder as I barely refrain from curling my lip at him. “As you can see, all my sons come out larger than average.”

“You only have one son,padrino,” I say as smoothly as I can.

Marío looks at me, a twinkle in his eye. “Not for long.”

Victor’s shocked face matches the shock I feel inside. Does my father, myfifty-oneyear old father, plan to marry thisnineteenyear old himself? The bile I feel burning its way up my throat begs me to suggest a new deal, but as I said, when the Cartel boss wants something, he always gets it—no matter who’s blood he has to spill.

“Alvaro,” he gives me a vile smirk, “go find my wife. I want to take her home now.”



“Toro” by Aiko El Grupo
