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I kiss his smile. “You’re a very good dancer.”

He looks to the side and we see my brother and Katalina dancing like they’ve been partners for years. “Not as good as them.”

I kiss him again, dipping my tongue into his mouth, moaning at the taste of lime on his lips.

“Let’s go upstairs,” I tell him softly. “I want my prize.”

He lifts me up into his arms, but before he can go up the stairs, I whisper in his ear, “I want you to take body shots off me.”

I feel the rumble in his chest when he sets me down on my feet, softly pushing me up the stairs. As I go, I hear him order Vicente and Katalina to turn up the music or go to the pool house in the back. I grin to myself as I enter the bedroom, pulling off my clothes and laying in the center of the bed.

When Romero enters the room with everything we need for my prize, his eyes rove over my body as he kicks the door shut behind him.

“Diabla sucia.”

“I am,” I say as I sit up, leaning on my elbows. “I’myourdirty devil.”



“Sola” by Danna Paola

The wind blows against my face, my hair tangling behind me as I stare at the clear blue ocean waters. The warm sand on my toes tickles me until the foamy waters wash it away.

“Diabla.” I hear the waters speak my name as they roll and crash against one another. I smile, reaching out as though I could take its hand in mine.

“Bruja,” I hear from behind me.

I turn, finding a swaying field of tall green grass, each glide of the vibrant blades calling me, beckoning me. Stepping closer with a smile on my face, I lace my fingers with the grass, stroking the velvety stems. I hear a sigh of contentment all around me.

Suddenly, the ocean is licking up my leg, the warm waters lapping at my calves, swirling around me as though it means to hold me back, to keep me from abandoning it for the fields.

“Choose.” The double voice command slams into me, pushing me away from both the water and the grass.


I wake with a start, my heart beating wildly in my chest as the demand echoes in my ears.

Romero is the ocean; Alvaro is the fields—I am the woman who is expected to choose.

I roll over and hit a piece of paper sitting on top of a phone. I take the paper and sit up, rubbing my eyes before reading Romero’s handwritten note.

Good morning, mi hermosa. I wish we could have spent a lazy morning together, but I have business to take care of in the city. I’ll be back soon and we can do whatever you want, maybe even take the jet to one of my tequila fields.

For now, rest. There’s headache medicine and water on the bedside table.


I set the note down and instantly recognize my own phone from home. I excitedly click it open and find about a hundred unread messages from Lydia and just about the same amount of missed calls from her as well.

Amongst them is one unread message from Alvaro who must’ve added his number to my phone. I quickly shut off the screen, wishing I had put a lock on my phone, but it was always annoying having to remove my helmet for the face ID when my father or mother called.

I scrub a hand across my face and sigh, smoothing my hair over my head as I think of the unread message from the Banderas prince. I don’t know what to say to him. I don’t want to read the message and feel my heart twist painfully.

Slowly, carefully, I place the phone down as though it were a bomb. I slide to the edge of the bed and take the medicine Romero left for me, before jumping in the shower and washing off the remnants of last night’s bedroom events. I blush as I think of everything we did, how sexy it made me feel, howpowerfulI felt being worshiped by a man like Romero.

Honestly, I didn’t even know I could pull those delicious sounds from him, but somehow, I did. Which is a shocker for a newbie like me, but I’ve seen movies…and porn.
