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He steps closer to me and I cock my brow at the action. If he thinks I'm going to be intimidated by him, he’s going to find himself very disappointed.

Instead, he surprises me. “You’re right, I am an asshole. I’m a jealous man who covets you like nothing else. Not just your body either, but your mind, your heart, and even your past.”

I shake my head, cupping his face and stroking my fingers across his jaw, before sliding my hand down to his bare chest. “I’m only going to say this once, so you can either believe me and live in peace, or not and live in your own misery. I do not have the patience for anyone’s jealousy about my past—a past that has no other men besides you and Alvaro. If you ever make me feel like a whore—or insinuate I’m playing a game with men—ever again, I won’t stop and listen. I will walk away without a backwards glance.”

His eyes squeeze shut at my words, like he hates that he made me feel that way. “Lo siento, Vicenta…Perdóname, por favor.”

I feel like I'm at the precipice of a great mountain. I can either walk away and go back to the safety of what I know, or I can take a leap and feel the terrifying exhilaration of free-falling and pray that I survive the crash.

I’ve lived with the known for so long now that I want the excitement of the unknown, so I jump off the cliff.

“You’re worth it, Romero.”

We crash together, our lips fusing in a brutal kiss that leaves my lips tingling and swollen when we part. Our eyes lock on one another, his blue to my brown, and in his gaze I see the same words he said to me the other night.Choose me.

But the truth that I’ve refused to admit to myself is bubbling to the surface with ferocity. I can’t choose because choosing would be like losing half of my heart and I can’t pretend that wouldn’t destroy a huge part of me. I’d rather walk away at the end of the month, leaving them both in Acapulco forever, than take one over the other..

We hear the loud music blast through the speakers in the house, Katalina yelling for us to hurry up.

Before we move, I remind him of something vitally important. “Don’t forget, Romero: I won the race.”

I give him a quick kiss and pull back, taking him by the hand and leading him inside where my brother and Kat sit at the sofas, liquor bottles and shot glasses spread out on the table. Romero stops at the bar while I walk over to the duo who seem to really be clicking. Katalina is a quiet observant girl, somewhat like myself, but unlike me, she has the energy to deal with the whims of my crazy brother.

I gather up my beach dress, balling the fabric around my thighs as I sit on the sofa and read the label of the liquor bottle Vicente chose.

“La Padrina. Fifty-two percent? Damn, I feel like I have alcohol poisoning just reading this.”

Romero walks over to us, taking a seat between his sister and me, and places a plate of limes down, along with a bowl of salt.

After pouring everyone a shot, he lifts his glass. “Arriba.” We follow his glass upward with our own and reply, “Abajo.” We all knock the bottom of our glasses to the wood of the table as we cheer, “Centro y pa dentro!” Our hands meet together in the center, the shot glasses clinking before we all shoot our shots back in one go.

“Oh, God,” I huff as I place the empty shot glass down, searching for some sort of chaser but Romero is ready for me. He pushes a wedge of lime between my lips.


His command is low enough that only I heard him, but the sexy as fuck command sends a jolt of electricity through me and straight to my clit. With my face burning and his eyes on my mouth, I suck on the lime, letting the citrus and Romero’s heated gaze chase away the bitterness of the tequila.

He takes the lime from my lips and presses his mouth to mine, making everything around us disappear when his tongue dips into my mouth.

A disgusted whine interrupts my filthy thoughts of fucking Romero right here, reminding us that we’re not alone. When we reluctantly separate, I burst into an embarrassed giggle. Vicente has his hand over his eyes while Katalina cracks up beside him.

“Okay, they’re done now.”

“Fucking clown,” I say as I grab a water and take a drink.

“We’re going to need to fix these living conditions. You two are the worst,” Vicente says and Katalina nods. “They really are.”

Romero reaches over and muses her hair. “Cierra la boca.”

I laugh at their silliness when she picks a pillow up and launches it at him. Of course, he dodges it smoothly but makes no attempt to catch it. It sails past him and nails me right in the head, throwing my hair across my face and making all of them burst out laughing at my expense. Lucky for them, I find it hilarious too.

After everyone calms down, we have a couple more shots followed by mixed drinks, the music and tequila making me dance in my seat.

I stand, the tropical beat ofMi Amorby J.J. Abel making my hips sway. I pull Romero up, taking his drink from him and placing it back on the table. When we’re away from the furniture, we begin dancing. With our hands together, he pushes me out before spinning me back in, my back to his chest as we move together. My smile never leaves my face.

I’ve never danced with another partner, choosing only to dance with my brother when the occasion called for it, but dancing with Romero is one of my new favorite things to do.

Spinning back out, I turn under his arm, moving behind him with my fingernails dragging across his back. He grabs my hand and pulls me in front of him, his arms around my waist and mine over his shoulders.
