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As they were walking over, Nilsa approached them.

“You are all set for nine AM, Dax. Don’t be late!” she chided.

Bloom knit her brows. “What are you up to, Dax?”

“Nothing, dear!”

As they walked over, they passed Curiouser and Curiouser, and Dax was surprised to see Tam still inside. As soon as he saw her, her eyes got big, and thanks to his dragon hearing, he distinctly heard her say, “Oh shit, we’re going to be late,” even through the closed door. Just as quickly, she was calling to Chris and Kim, who quickly piled out of the shop and fell in walking beside them.

“What are you doing?” Bloom said, her face showing her growing consternation.

“You’re going to The Tree, right? We just thought we’d grab a bite too. Is that okay?”

“Dax.” Her eyes bored into him.

He just laughed. “Settle down, you’ll like it.”

After a short walk, they were right there. But rather than approach from the front, he led them all around to the back side of The Tree, which had previously been surrounded by a small patch of wild growth. But a small arched path had appeared. And a small stone wall now was barely visible.

Nilsa and the other fae had outdone themselves.

“What the…” she started.

Her eyes had taken on a look of wonder as they all filed through the stone arch and down a short path that was canopied by vines and overarching tree limbs. In a moment, they came out into a clearing, hidden within the bramble. Mack and Wendy stood there to greet them, along with the witches and Nilsa who had beaten them there.

“What is this?” Bloom gushed, bringing her attention back to whatever all this was. She was already happy to see the barest beginnings of her vision realized.

“A little bird may have told me, or maybe a big one,” he said as he winked at Mack, “how much you have been dreaming of creating a little beer garden back here.”

He could already see her eyes welling up a bit.

He had not anticipatedfeelings.

“So, Nilsa and the witches sort of felt into Ash’s feelings on the matter. Now, with your blessing and our help, we were thinking we could create your beer garden once and for all. If you want to, that is.”

Her response was immediate and without reserve. “Of course I want to, are you kidding?”

“It seems The Tree was afraid you were becoming too dependent on it. Ash wanted to be sure you found love. And now that you have, she’s all too happy to help shape the new garden.”



“I always thought so.” Bloom looked quiet for a moment as everyone looked on. “Okay, so what’s at nine AM?”

“Oh, that,” he said as he looked at Nilsa. “That’s just my first Fae Studies class.”

“What?” she practically screamed, as she gave him a big hug. “You surprise me, Dax.”

“Well, you surprise me, babe. And I am full of surprises. Besides, just wait till you get to know the rest of the pack.”

“Should I be afraid?” she joked.

“Maybe a little.” He laughed. When he calmed down, he added, “I just realized that I have a lot to learn, and not just about the fae. But that’s certainly a good place to start.”

She hugged him again and gave him a big kiss.

“Hey Dax,” Rollo called, interrupting their moment.

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