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“What is it?”

“My apologies, Bloom,” he said first. “Check your chat. Clint says we got a letter you’re gonna want to see.”

“A letter?”


“Like now?” When Rollo just nodded, Dax added, “Well, let’s go.”

* * *

A few minuteslater he was holding a simple handwritten letter in his hands as he stood in the bullpen over at the Tribunal. It had been addressed simply to the “Fae Crossing Pack.”

He read it out loud for the rest of the assembled pack:

I wasto be the buyer. I thought the drug might hold some benefit for my kind. I was mistaken. I can assure you I am a friend, not foe. You need not waste any more resources on searching for me. Again, I apologize if my action could have put Fae Crossing in danger in any way. Fae Crossing is close to my heart. That is all I can say for now. Blessing to your pack.

It was signed simply, “A friend”

“Read the rest, boss,”Clint said.

Dax continued down the page.

As a signof my good intent, I think I have some information you are looking for. Fairbanks college. Jimmy Anderson. As I said, I am a friend.

That was it.

Dax paused for a minute. “What do you think?”

“Jimmy Anderson just seems like a regular student. Not much to report from a quick search on the web. But Fairbanks is out west, near to where this drug first appeared,” Rollo offered.

“Okay, I’ve been neglecting my duties around here long enough. You and Dayton go out there and track this kid down. I’ll see about getting Nilsa to go too. I have a feeling we are going to need her powers of wham.”

“So, you are all good with the council now? That is after that mess with Finch interfering with Bloom and all that?”

“All good might be a stretch, but yeah. Finch and I have an understanding. As much as I wanted to pound him into the dirt,” Dax said, taking a minute to roll his shoulders and make a show of relaxing his body, “Truth is he was just doing what he felt he had to do to protect his people.”

Rollo looked at him a little sideways. “You sure you’re feeling okay, chief? Did I actually hear you right?”

Dax laughed. “I don’t want to be the scorpion anymore, man. Drowning is a high price, and I got a second chance. Wait, a third chance really with Bloom. So, I am making an effort here, okay?”

“Alright, just don’t go all soft on the fae on me.”

“We aren’t about to go singing kumbaya together anytime soon if that’s what you are worried about. But things are good now.”

He looked at Rollo. “We all need to make an effort, okay?”

“Yeah, chief, whatever you say.”

“Cool, now, what do you make of this ‘friend’ who wrote us the letter?”

“Not too much to make of them at this point. I’m not exactly sold on it yet, but let’s see where this lead goes. Keep an open mind, right?”

“My thoughts too,” Dax said.

They spent another twenty minutes going over the details of the mission before a text came through from Bloom.

Aren’t you coming back?I need your help planning out the new fairy beer garden!
