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Finally Etta spoke as she addressed all in attendance, “I, as the high priestess of the wind and the earth, of the sun and the rain, wind this cord to bind you for all time. Let this unity now in the moment signify your union for all times. Let all of you witness their love and support it. Let it grow strong like the oak, light as a feather, and pure as the snow.

And then to the amazement of all, Etta whipped her hands in a quick fashion and with a low whispered incantation, the cord leapt from her hands as it began to wind gently around Bloom and Dax’s clasped hands.

Neither of them could suppress their surprise as they both let out nervous giggles as the cord bound them as mates.

The two watched the cord finish winding its way around their wrists, until Etta herself finally tied the knot.

“Go ahead, Dax…now you kiss her!”

The whole crowd burst out in a half laugh and half cheer, as Dax did indeed, take her chin in his free hand as they kissed.

Cheers of “Huzzah!” arose as they continued their kiss.

Finally their lips separated and Dax looked over at Etta expectantly. He wasn’t particularly adept at ceremony.

“That’s it,” she said, “It’s official!”

“So, to The Tree?”

“Yes, babe. To The Tree,” Bloom said with a wink. He couldn’t help but notice that she was beaming.

Ceremony might now have been his thing, but in that moment he realized he would have endured a week long ceremony just to see that look of happiness on her face.

He had to admit he kind of enjoyed it to.

And with that they led the procession back out of the park and back toward the Four Corners and The Tree. All the work they had put into the outside terrace had finally come to fruition. The Tree itself, apparently satisfied that Dax was a good mate for Bloom, had facilitated Bloom’s every whim.

As they led the procession up Mountain View, cars honked their horns and cheers surrounded them from every window.

“So, how long are we gonna be tied together like this?” Dax finally asked, not that he totally minded being so close to his bride.

“Well, in fae tradition, it’s usually three months, but I figured, since you’re shifter, and have a job to do and everything, just a month will suffice.”

“A month?” Dax said incredulously.

“Or I guess Etta could untie us as planned at The Tree,” Bloom said with a giggle.

“Thank God. That was just ridiculous enough that I thought it might be true. We are talking about fae customs, you know?”

“Very funny,” Bloom said, poking him in the ribs with her free hand.

They walked in silence for a minute, just breathing in the feelings of being surrounded with so much love and support.

Finally, as they approached The Tree, Dax just looked at her and said, “Thanks, babe.”

“Thanks? For what?”

“For just being so awesome. And for showing up in my life.”

Cheesy as it might have sounded, it was true.

“Aww, thank you, babe, thank you.”

And with that they headed in for the inaugural feast of The Tree’s brand new terrace.

And it was sure to be a rager.

* * *
