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I hope you enjoyed the first tale in the Fae Crossing Shifters! While you eagerly wait for Rollo’s story in book two perhaps you might want to dive into another world, the world of Misty Vale…

Click here to read Dragon Daddy’s Nanny, the first story in the Misty Vale Shifters series!

Downtrodden Amelia has decidedit is her time to shine…and Fate has picked the mysterious mountain town of Misty Vale…

When on her first day in town she meets the incredibly handsome and intimidating Dash Livingstone, she never could predict what was coming... now she is the nanny for Dash's adorable daughter Nora, and fate seems to have even more in store for them all.

Dash is a man among men, but she can sense there is more too him than meets the eye… As the tensions in town begin to rise between two powerful families, Amelia finds herself pulled into the century old secrets of Misty Vale, and finds out that Dash is part of that legacy... he is a powerful dragon shifter who is about to blow her mind and change her world.

Here, love and power collide and neither of their lives will ever be the same…

Here’s a little preview of Dragon Daddy’s Nanny…

“Okay,so I guess this is how it’s done in all the great romance novels!” Amelia said with a grin as she let her finger hover over the map, willing her subconscious to find somewhere spectacular.

When she brought her hand down and she felt her fingertip connect with the smooth paper underneath, her heart skipped a beat and her skin tingled with anticipation.

This was it.

She eased her eyes open slowly, her vision adjusting to the myriad of lines all coming together into one spot where she had randomly placed her forefinger, a place in time and space that was surely about to change her life. And yet, it was somewhere she didn’t even yet know.

When she focused and the words came popping out at her, she instinctively found herself smiling.

Misty Vale.

From what she could tell from the map, it appeared to be a little town nestled in the Rockies, somewhere she had never ventured before in her life, but she supposed somewhere that had also always intrigued her. It would certainly be a lot different to here. She had lived by the beach her entire life. But it’s not as if that had worked out so well for her.

“Misty Vale.” She said it aloud and let it roll around on her tongue. Her soul liked it. It sounded good. Wholesome. Somewhere that would surely bring her more happiness than here. Somewhere that could give her hope.

Without wasting a moment longer, she jumped to her feet and sprang into action. Today was the day she was going to change her life.

* * *

With her packhitched high on her shoulder and with a spring in her step, Amelia couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. The cold, crisp air, the scent of pine and the beautiful fall leaves were the first thing that struck her as she walked into town on her first day and saw how picturesque and stunning Misty Vale was. Being a beach girl for as long as she had known, it was certainly going to be a different way of life out here in her new town. She was in awe at how beautiful it was, and as she wandered around taking it all in, she knew she had found somewhere special. It was the perfect place to begin again and to forget her past and all the trouble that had gone along with it.

It was the kind of town you saw in the movies, one that Amelia had barely even dared think existed until she had played roulette with the map a few days before. She looked up and saw The Grand Lodge was sitting on the mountain, looking down over the town as if it were some kind of overseer, and it made her think again of places she had seen on TV. Like some perfect little place off the beaten track in countries like Switzerland, its colors popping out of the landscape, adding to the reds and greens, and giving the mountainside a festive feel. She began to walk and explore, and Main Street was long and full of incredible shops. She smiled as she spotted a cute little candy store, a beautician, gift shops and bars that were all independent and quirky in their own way. She didn’t think she had yet to see a chain store or big corporation, and as she ventured further into this lovely little place, she found herself feeling right at home. Something that kept appearing was an image that must be the town’s crest. There was a castle in the middle of it with a crown hovering overhead, and an ancient-looking dragon on one side and what she thought may have been a bear on the other. It looked like something from the Scottish Highlands, old and powerful, but it made her smile.

Amelia stopped when she reached a B&B and hitched her bag back onto her shoulder. It had been a long train ride and she was aching and tired. All she could think about was sleep, but she needed somewhere to crash and ditch her things before she headed out to look for a job, and she wasn’t going to waste any time doing it.

She reached for the doors of the B&B at the exact same time that they swung open, and she felt the unwelcome thud of the door hitting her shoulder as her bag went crashing to the ground.

“Ouch,” she whispered as she tried to regain her composure, and she instinctively bent down to collect her things. She was aware of someone bending down too, and as she looked up, she saw him, right there in front of her eyes, looking back at her with disdain.

“I’m sorry,” he said with a raised brow. “I almost took you out there.”

Amelia found herself scowling, but at the same time, her heart faltered for a moment as she took in the tall dark guy with broad shoulders, a black beard, and a smoldering stare. Man, he was hot. Clearly trouble, but hot. He was dressed casually, in a pair of dark blue jeans and a black sweatshirt, but she could tell that his clothes weren’t just from any old store. They looked well-made and expensive. His eyes were heavy and brooding, and as they rested briefly on hers again, she felt stunned into stillness.


That was the only thought that went through her mind as she found herself kneeling there as if she had been frozen to the ground.

“I… well, thanks, I guess…” she said, trying to mimic his manor.

He scooped up her bag and smiled sheepishly as they both rose to their feet. She couldn’t tell why, but the way he was looking at her was as if she had done something wrong and he was trying to figure her out. As if he wanted to ask her what the hell she had been doing there.

“Should watch where you’re going next time,” he said with amusement and then he winked, and it made her skin tingle.

He was so handsome, so intimidating in his stance and the way he held himself. He was like no one she had ever seen before; someone so confident in their own skin, someone who seemed to command attention. It was as if the whole of Main Street had stopped when he had stepped outside, and yet, here she was, caught in his glare and feeling as if he was seeing deep into her soul. Her skin burned with something she could only liken to intense excitement, and she suddenly became aware that her mouth must have been gaping open and she closed it tight. He seemed to narrow his eyes at her, as if he were sizing her up again, but he smiled warmly. She gave a weak smile and went to ask him if he made a habit of almost knocking girls out with swing doors, but before she had chance, he took another step, and he was moving away, glancing back over his shoulder at her as he made his way down Main Street in the direction of the mountain.

Amelia faltered for a moment, unsure of what had just happened. She felt stunned. Shaken. Her heart was pounding slightly, and she felt in a daze. It was obviously just an accident, a silly little moment of oversite. But had he been rude? Or had she been acting dumb because he was so goddam good-looking? She shook her head and laughed to herself. She was such a ditz! If she was going to make it in a new town, she was going to have to play it cooler than that when a handsome guy appeared in front of her. Plus, that most certainly was not what she was about anymore, anyway. Men were the last thing on her mind after the year she’d had. She shook the thoughts away, not letting herself go there. She absolutely would not let the events of her past ruin what was supposed to be her new beginning.

She felt as if she still had his eyes on her, and she found herself looking ahead to see if he was still walking down Main Street, but the crowd had surged outside one of the coffee houses and he was gone. She sighed and pushed open the door to the B&B and headed inside, still feeling as if her feathers had been slightly ruffled and she needed to prune them back into their glorious self.

After checking in and finding her room, she threw her bags down on the floor and flopped down on the bed, stretching her arms high over her head and enjoying the feel of finally being off her feet and somewhere cozy and warm. This was it. This, as they say, was the first day of the rest of her life.

She hugged her arms around herself and closed her eyes. It had been a rough year, with lots of setbacks and plenty to run away from. But she had done it. She had packed up and fled, and now she was somewhere new, somewhere that filled her with hope, and somewhere she could finally let the memories of her relationship with Toby disappear. There was nothing here in Misty Vale to remind her of what had happened between them. Nothing that would evoke a feeling or strong memory when she stepped inside a restaurant or a store. And she had done the ultimate thing to make sure she never suffered at the hands of someone like him again, she had done what he always tried to tell her she couldn’t do. She had gone out on her own and she was being independent. She didn’t need someone to guide her, and she certainly didn’t need to be under anyone else’s control. She was her own woman, she was regaining her life, and she was starting again, without someone trying to erase who she truly was so that she fit their perfect image.

She smiled to herself knowingly and felt a surge of pride again. She really was going to live now. The past was long dead, and she was ready for her future…
