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“Hey boss. What’s up?”

“You got a few? I just wanted to toss around this business with Marius, and that guy in the hospital.”

“Yeah, one hundred percent. Fire away, Dax.”

Dax had become increasingly alarmed by the situation with Marius and where it had led to.

In less than a week it had gone from what seemed like a typical drunk and disorderly call to what could be the beginning of some new drug epidemic.

And then there’s Bloom.

But that was another matter entirely. He needed to focus on the developments around Marius, who he had been unable to locate for further questioning. Then there was the matter of the woman. He and Bloom both felt they were holding back, but he didn’t feel it was the time to grill them. This would call for a soft touch.

Laying on his couch at the end of the day, he had decided to call Rollo, to see if there was anything he was missing.

“I just don’t know. I am sort of wondering what we can do. The idea of some new drug moving into our community is concerning, to say the least,” he said.

“I don’t know that there is that much that wecando at the moment. With the guy in the hospital still out and Marius M.I.A., unless you want to put the screws to that mother and daughter, then I think all we can do is put the word out to keep eyes peeled. And we’ve done that. Did I miss anything?”

“No, as usual I think you’ve pretty much got it sussed, which by the way, is why you are number two,” he said, complementing his right-hand man.

“So, you want to tell me the real reason you called?” Rollo said.

“What? Rollo, you know what this could do…”

“Boss, come on. Bloom. You gonna sit there and tell me you aren’t maybe just a little bit affected by her showing back up in your life like this?”

“Whatever. She’s ancient history. She still hates me. And in typical fashion, still treats me like I am some clueless hillbilly sheriff.”

“We did kind of freeze her out, boss. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her to lose her dad like that. Can you blame her for being a little salty?”

“”My hands are tied, though. That’s the problem. It’s one thing to want answers, but jeez man, why couldn’t she just trust me? That’s what sucks. I can’t risk telling her that we suspect Frederick was behind it. She’s a loose cannon and would undoubtedly start screaming to high heaven to anyone who would listen that we need to track him down.”

“Right, and that would be the best way to ensure he disappears, maybe for good. I get it. But I’m just saying cut her a little slack. Be the bigger man. She’s hurting and maybe has said and done some things that were tough to swallow, but she did lose her dad. No relationship could have withstood the kind of tension going on between you. Honestly, I was surprised when you guys started dating in the first place.”

Dax was silent for a minute as he considered what his right hand man had said.

“But I do know you two made a great pair,” Rollo added. “It might not have lasted very long, but from what I could tell, it was pretty sweet. You were happier than I had ever seen you, to be honest.”

“Really?” Dax said.

“Really, man. And so she’s fae. Nobody’s perfect. I just don’t think you should give up that easily.”

“Half-fae, and what are you talking about ‘give up’? There was nothing to give up on. She was acting crazy,” Dax added.

“I can tell you from firsthand experience that losing someone that close to you will do that to you.”

Ouch.Dax was quiet for a second.

“I’m on your side, Dax. We both want Frederick. I can barely sleep at times thinking he’s still out there after what he did to James and Cindy. I know it’s not easy dealing with her, especially knowing we can’t tell her what we know, okay? I’m just saying think of it from her perspective.”

“That’s a tall order, brother,” Dax said. “But I hear you.” Then after a moment’s further consideration, “I don’t know what you did with my packmate Rollo, but I am on to you!”

Rollo laughed.
