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“Hey, I have no agenda here. You called me for my honest opinion, right?”


“Well, that’s what I am giving you. Besides, looks like we are going to be dealing with Bloom while we sort out this “Supernova” business. And those women who are staying with her. You get more bees with honey, buddy, so try to make an effort for that reason if no other.”

“Good point. I am thinking maybe I should make you pack counselor.”

Rollo let out a deep laugh at that. “The Witches would lose their shit.”

Dax laughed in return. “Too right. They’d say you were stealing their thunder.”

“But back to the pack business, if those women don’t open up soon, I think you will need to have a talk with them.”

“Yeah, I think you are right.”

With that, they wrapped it up and Dax put down the phone.

A week ago the waters of Fae Crossing had seemed pretty calm.

Suddenly, he had a feeling a storm was brewing.

And he and Bloom seemed to have found themselves right in the heart of it.



“You realize that if it weren’t for the circumstances, I would have never agreed to meet you,” she said.

She had been surprised when he had called and said they should meet up, but less surprised by the wave of heat that had passed over her just at seeing his number come up on her phone.

He just leveled her with an even gaze. “I get it, trust me. You have made that perfectly clear already on the phone. And like I said, this isn’t about you and me, so get over yourself.”

She deserved that. She just had no idea how to fight her attraction for him, so she was constantly on edge. She was going to apologize, but as soon as he was done talking, he was putting up his hands in a soothing gesture. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” He sighed. “Obviously we have some history, but I think for the good of Fae Crossing, and for Kim and Chris, and for The Tree, we really need to get past it, okay?”

“You’re right. But this isn’t easy for me, Dax. Knowing that my father was killed and the one man who is supposed to be leading the charge to find his killer just seems to be too busy with other business and brushing what happened to my father aside.”

“You’re right,” he said simply. “I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you, and I am sorry, I could have been more… I could work on my sensitive side I guess,” he said, seemingly floundering.

But at least he’s trying.

“You know a lot was going on. And it’s still going on. Please just believe me when I tell you that your father’s case remains at the top of my list. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to say more. Just give me the benefit of the doubt here. If I could say more I would. But I just can’t. Not yet.”

She felt a subtle stir in her heart as he spoke. It wasn’t perfect, but for the first time she could see he hadn’t just been blowing her off. He did care.

“So, you are still working on it?” She felt a little ray of hope shine through the fog that had existed around all things related to her father’s passing. He had said it before, but she hadn’t been sure if he was just blowing smoke up her ass.

“Of course we are, Bloom. But please, you have to trust me. We have some leads. That’s all I can say.”

“Okay, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. For a little while. So we can focus on this Supernova shit. Deal?””

“Deal,” he said, extending a hand across the table.

She did her best to maintain some semblance of a doubtful look, but inside she could feel her excitement rising, despite all the ways her mind was trying to suppress it.

“Let’s just consider this a fresh start,” she said. “Not that we are starting anything, that is. Or that is it going anywhere.”

He laughed, “To new beginnings, then.” He raised his water glass.
