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“”Isn’t it bad luck to toast with water?” she said.

“Eh, I make my own luck,” he said, winking.

“Um hm”, she said, clinking his glass, “And am I to assume that picking the Dancing Pants Café for our meet up was part of that?”

A look of total confusion came over his face. “What are you on about? Don’t you like it?”

“Of course I like it. It’s where we had our second date.”

This had been where they had stopped after they had that amazing day out hiking. He had gotten them both ice coffees. It had been perfect.

“Oh right, I had forgotten,” he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. She could tell he was remembering that day as she did. “You give me too much credit,” he laughed, now suddenly more at ease. “I’m not that clever.” Then after another beat. “This is where we had our first kiss too.”

She laughed as well. “Now you’re remembering.”

A moment passed between them as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

But as soon as it came, they were both suddenly fidgeting.

“Yup, so we should talk about our game plan,” he said, breaking the tension between them.

“Yes,” she began. “I’m just not exactly sure what I can do,” she concluded.

“I am not sure either,” he agreed. “Not just yet at least. But let’s go over what we know.”

“Okay,” she said. She realized with some concern that she was almost enjoying this.You’re enjoying him.

“First, there is some new drug in town called Supernova, that is supposedly ‘crazy strong’,” she began.

“And it has come from out west…and you said you think Marius was out there a few weeks ago, right?”

“Right, And then there’s those men that attacked Kim and Chris. At least one of them was on it too,” Dax offered.

“So, you think it’s related, or they are related to Marius? Because I’ll tell you I don’t want any more of that drug around The Tree. That’s mainly why I’m here.”

“I don’t know if ‘related’ is the right word, but you know how I feel about coincidences. And yeah, we are on the same page.”

“Yes, and I agree with you that Kim and Chris are hiding something. The mother, Chris, really.”

Dax just sat across from her silently for a moment.

She spoke again, “But you really think something is going on? Maybe these are isolated incidents and those guys are long gone? And new drugs come and go all the time.”

He leveled her with that piercing gaze of his again. The one that could turn her knees to Jell-O under other circumstances.And do a few other things too.


“You don’t really believe that,” he said flatly.

No, she didn’t.

“Because the biggest evidence I have, and the reason I called you, the reason we are sitting here now, well, you know what it is,” he said.

She did.

“Yeah, my gut is screaming too. Something is wrong. Something is off in Fae Crossing.”

“Bingo,” he said. Then just as quickly, he was on his feet and moving toward the counter.
