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Well, you guys never even sealed the deal either.She felt a wave of pleasure surge through her core as the thought crossed through her mind.

“Yeah, all the stuff with your fae realms kind of wigs me out. Different dimensions. All that.” he confessed.

“Wigs you out?” she repeated.

“Oh, sorry, it… um… freaks me out? Is that better? It’s hard not to pick up on the human vernacular.”

She laughed, “Tell me about it,” she said. “Dude,” she added playfully.

Bloom, keep it cool,she chided herself.She was getting a little too relaxed around him perhaps, but he seemed to appreciate her joke as he laughed.

“I am way more comfortable among shifters. I understand them. If there’s a problem, we fight it out. Simple.”

“Lovely,” she said, laughing.

“But I mean, fae are just so damn mysterious. And the many fae realms. All that is crazy to me,” he said.

“Oh, I understand. It’s crazy to me too. And like I was saying, the fae are as different from one another as humans are from each other, or shifters, or any kind of supernatural, I imagine. I really need to learn more about my own kind. But I can tell you that the fae you, or really even I, interact with, for the most part, have chosen to be here in this particular, um…earth plane dimension…the one with humans and shifters, etc., so you don’t really need to concern yourself with other realms. It’s not really your business.”

He looked almost affronted.

“No. I didn’t mean it like that,” she said, grabbing his arm. “That’s how the witches explained it to me.”

“Oh, right, yeah,” Dax said. “Don’t get me started with the witches.”

She had forgotten how funny he could be. Or maybe it was that she had forgotten how much fun they had together.

“You’re funny, Dax.”Oh God. Bloom. You didn’t have to say that out loud!

“Well, sometimes you got to laugh, ya know? Otherwise, well, you know the alternative.”

“I do.”

Suddenly, he got serious again. “We both do. But hey, I didn’t mean to remind you of…” he was saying now, suddenly backpedaling it seemed.

“What? No. And really, I am glad this came up,” she said, turning to face him. By now they were standing at the four corners and it was time for them to go in their different directions.

She took his hand in hers. “I’m sorry if I have been too hard on you.”

“Oh, don’t mention it,” he began. “I know you were going through a lot. A whole lot.”

She was surprised at how she was warming up to him, even as they spoke. “I will tell you it did hurt, you know, when I felt like my father didn’t matter anymore. But of course, with the car accident and everything, I know.” But then she continued, “And I could have been more understanding. I was just too crushed. It was easier to be mad than to admit how much it hurt. And then, well…with everything, I just couldn’t take it. Seeing you and feeling nothing was happening with the case… I guess I needed to blame someone, you know?”

Had she just said that out loud?

“I’m so sorry, Bloom,” he said suddenly, as he pulled her into an embrace before she even knew what was happening.

It was as if the weight of the world had fallen off her shoulders for a moment as she let him take it from her, surrendering to the safety of his arms. For a moment it was like no time had passed between them. As he held her, he spoke in her ear, “I definitely didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just… Us big, bad shifters don’t like to admit it, but we have our limits too. I could have been more patient. Maybe better explained things. But truth is I was struggling to hold myself and my own pack together as well. I’m glad that we got to talk a little bit about it now, though.”

She felt that now familiar warmth spreading through her body again. “So, I guess we are in full truce mode, then?”

“Most definitely,” he laughed, seeming to catch himself as he released her from his embrace and stepped back.

She let her hands linger on his hard, chiseled chest for a moment as she looked up into his eyes as they parted. It was taking all her willpower to not throw herself back into his arms.

“Okay, well, good talk,” she said. She shuffled back and forth on her feet before finally extending a hand.

What are you doing?But she knew exactly what she was doing. She needed to reestablish some boundaries. She was already nervous about the direction she felt things leading.
