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He seemed to gather himself as well. “Right, yeah, good talk. Enjoy the rest of your night, Bloom.”

“You too.”Keep it together, girl.

“We’ll be in touch about next steps soon, probably tomorrow. The pack and I, that is …”

“Sounds good. Good night, Dax, and thank you for our talk,” she finally said as she crossed the open grass to reach The Tree.

What the hell is going on?

Her body was practically on fire.

* * *

She letthe water pour over her. People sometimes asked her what her favorite part of living in an enchanted tree was, and when she said the bathroom, that often got a strange look. But it was totally true. The bathroom could actually morph with her mood, but not in a freaky way. Most of the time, or if it was her wish, it was just a standard bath and shower, albeit a totally amazing one, with one of those crazy huge shower heads that made it seem you were in a rainstorm rather than just the morning shower.

But this evening, it was a weeknight, and so with all that had transpired, she decided she deserved a nice relaxing shower. And the bathroom had not disappointed. The water seemed to cascade off a rock ledge today, the wall covered in green and moss. She let the warm water rinse through her hair and hopefully wash away all that had been occupying her mind for the last few weeks.

Yes, where is the off switch to this brain?And no sooner than she had flipped that switch, her mind began to dwell on a different topic.

Well, one aspect of the last few weeks. And it wasn’t so much her mind, or notjusther mind. Her body really had led the charge.

She thought of Dax, and how he smelled, and how strong and centered he had been. How he had actually taken her side, or at least backed her up. But mostly it was how she felt when she was with him. She wasn’t sure when it had started, but in truth, little by little, it was Dax who had begun to fill her mind’s eye. His rippling muscles. That ridiculously cut jawline. The way others seemed to gravitate to him.

And then in the last few days, his kindness. And today, the way he had listened, really listened. He really did care. He had cared all along. She had known of course he was dealing with his own stuff, but today she really saw it. She could feel his struggle even as he did his best to comfort her. Even after the way she had hardly made any of it easy for her.

She grabbed the soap to begin to gently scrub away the grime. Across her arms, and then her legs. Now her breasts. She lingered, taking a nipple in her fingers and squeezing as she thought of Dax. His hardness. His rock hard body and abs. They had almost gotten naked that one night. He had rubbed her down with the most amazing massage.

She squeezed at her breast even harder before moving the soap down, at first just making a cursory pass over her pussy. She did her best to fight the urges that were arising, trying in vain to resist, before finally bringing her fingers to rest on the mound of her sex, pushing her hips against her hand. She felt her wetness spread as she again thrust her hips against her hands, even as she put a finger gently into the folds to better rub her clit. Before she knew what to do, she had balanced herself against the rocks, one hand squeezing at a nipple as her other dove into the increasing hot wetness of her pussy. She imagined herself pulling down his boxers, freeing his glorious cock once and for all, feeling its girth in her hands. She imagined dropping to her knees for him. Taking him in her hand, she first kissed at the head, and then ran her tongue along its length. Even as she did, she imagined his firm, strong hands seizing her, pulling her up to look in his eyes. To kiss him deeply even as he lifted her, allowing her now sopping core to press against his rock hard member. He would lift her and buck, sliding his shaft along her willing opening. Teasing her. She plunged another finger in as she pumped her fingers against herself, gasping out loud in spite of herself.

“Ohh,” she dropped to her knees and brought her second hand to her clit as she fucked her fingers, moaning in pleasure as she imagined him with her. Finally. His strength, his tight muscular body, his…”

His…oh my fucking—



For a moment, she tried to stay with it.His…his…right…big muscles. Um. Oh dammit.It was no use.

“Umm, Chris? Just a minute. I’m just taking a shower here!”

“It’s just a quick question. I know you wanted us to redo the floors and Mack said you had a special wax…”

For fuck’s sake.

She came back to herself…both annoyed at the interruption, but also more than a little shocked.

“Okay, okay, just a minute please, I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry. It can wait. I just thought…” she heard Chris stammering.

“No, It’s fine, I’m already getting out,”

Sigh. Seems I won’t even let myself have him in my fantasies.

She chuckled at her joke.

But then again, maybe there was some truth there.
