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Maybe things need to change?



Dax was tense. More so than usual. His dragon was totally on edge.

No stupid moves, people.

He was afraid his dragon would fry them before he could stop it. He was that on edge.

He leaned his head down and spoke into the little mic. That had been Jack’s idea. He was their tech guy. Or their Q. He did feel a little like James Bond, but that little bit of thrill was largely overshadowed by his worry for Bloom.

“Is everyone in position?” he said into his collar.

“Chocolate is a go.”

“Vanilla go.”

Everyone else checked in.I can’t believe I okayed these stupid codenames.But he had to keep his mind on more important aspects of the operation.

They were at the outdoor seating of the Babbling Buck, a popular restaurant and bar down the way from the Four Corners. It had been agreed that it was best to stay away from the very heart of town in case things went south. If worse came to worst and they had to shift, they figured the fewer witnesses, the better. Even so, they had called in Etta and Lora. Nan was not exactly perfectly suited for the mission being that she was almost blind as a bat. But if they needed her help with forgetting spells there was none better. He looked across the street nervously and pushed down his annoyance.

Try as he might, he had been unsuccessful in trying to get Etta to abandon her signature flowing scarves completely. He realized he should consider it a win that she had agreed to only wear one today, rather than her customary billion.

They had already arranged for the table behind him to be held until Marius and Bloom arrived. They would be taking separate paths to reach the restaurant. Their going theory had been that the two thugs would only approach them once they were together, essentially to better negotiate or facilitate them getting in on the action and being given access to supply via The Tree. From their sources, the pack had learned that the dealers had come to believe that The Tree was some ongoing rave that popped up in a different warehouse every week.

Well, that would make more sense to a human than the idea of a tree that was also a bar, and oh yeah, existed more in the Fae realms than in this one.

Marius had already arrived and was sitting down from what he had been told.

I should have sat facing them. Damn. He had thought it might be too obvious. A big guy like himself sitting right across from their table. But now, facing away, he felt blind. He would have to trust his team.

“What’s he doing?” he said into his collar.

“Just sitting there. Relax,” came Jack’s voice through his earpiece.


Just then Bloom came in and sauntered past him. She was wearing a sundress again. His dragon let out what amounted to a combination of purr and growl.

And then her perfume hit him.Wildflowers.He took a deep breath in. She knew he loved wildflowers.

Focus, buddy.

“Okay, everyone. Stay alert.” Rollo was around back, and Jack was near the entrance. Dayton and Clint were down Mountain View in opposite directions from the venue.

Dax scanned the street and immediate vicinity. Nothing.

The others kept him apprised of every new development, but after half an hour, the most noteworthy development had been that Bloom had sent back the appetizer. Rollo was of the opinion it hadn’t been what she’d ordered, while Clint’s bet was that it was, but had arrived cold.

“Okay, okay. Just stay focused.”

He could hear Bloom chatting away. He couldn’t really tell what was being said, but she seemed to be relatively at ease. They had held a meeting the day before in secret at the Den, and Marius had groveled sufficiently to satisfy her. He was trying to make things right, even if it was because the Fae council had threatened him, most likely with banishment. Agreeing to settle his debt had sealed his compliance.

He was still trying to wrap his head around the U-turn their relationship had taken over the last few days. And the way she had stepped up and put herself right in the middle of the sting operation.

It made him more than a little uneasy. But it also was only intensifying his growing desire for her.
