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“Okay,” he finally said, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

* * *

An hour later,Bloom and Marius were on their third lap walking in rough figure eights around the downtown area and through the Four Corners.

“This is ridiculous,” Marius was saying.

“Ridiculous or not, just keep chatting and looking like we are scheming together,” Bloom said as they crossed Willow again and headed for the park.

“Maybe they’ve decided Fae Crossing is too much trouble,” Marius said as he glanced around the street.

“If you want to establish a drug trade, Fae Crossing is the hub for this whole region. I think they are still around,” she said as she did her best to look conspiratorial.

“I just hope those shifters are close. And the Council better be watching. Finch is going to owe me after this,” Marius was saying.

“Umm, haven’t you got that a little backwards?” she replied.This guy is definitely out of touch. He’s lucky he is not banished to the far side of the moon.

“Whatever. How many times can we walk in circles? If this were going to work, it would have worked by now.”

Don’t fall apart on us now.

“Just stick to the plan, Marius.”

Just then, Dax came into her ear via the radio, “Everything okay there?”

“Yeah,” she said into her microphone, “I’m just starting to wish these guys would just attack already, and save me from Marius and his idiotic conversation.”

Dax laughed. “Copy that. Head into the park and do a lap and then back to Four Corners. If we still have nothing, we’ll call it. Might need a plan C.”

“Got it.” This obviously wasn’t working. Maybe they weren’t as onto the criminals’ plans as they had thought. Or surprise, surprise, maybe the bad guys had better things to do than keep tabs on her and Marius. Truth is, it had been a long shot.

She glanced around as they took a right into the park. It had once been the grounds of some fae noble. For a while, it had lay abandoned after he died. Then it was bought up by a corporation and finally donated to the town.

In its current form it was a popular spot. Deeper into the park were the remains of the old home, which had burned to the ground back in the 1950’s.

Its fifty acres had been heavily landscaped and largely inspired by the romantic period and English gardens in particular. That’s what the plaque said at least.

Her favorite parts were the Greek and Roman inspired “follies” that dotted the grounds. She just loved the whole concept of little monuments and buildings that had no purpose whatsoever, other than to look cool and be “romantic.”

“Come on, Marius. I want to go down by the lake before we head back.” It was obvious no one was watching them.

“Shouldn’t we stay up on the main paths?” he said a little nervously.

“If your friends were gonna jump us, I think they would have done so by now.”

“They’re not my friends!”

“Whatever. Besides, maybe they have been hanging back, just waiting for us to go into some place off the beaten path. It could still happen.” She looked around again, inwardly bracing herself for the action to start.

“You sound like you want them to attack.”

“Of course I do. Isn’t that the point?”

“But I liked it a lot better with all the people around. I don’t even see your boyfriend…”

“Myboyfriend?” she said, a little surprised to realize their attraction had become so obvious so quickly.

“Yeah, the cop… the way you guys are…”
