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She stopped in her tracks and was about to turn to correct him but decided not to waste her breath.

“Is everything okay down there?” Dax’s voice came into her earbud almost instantly.

He must have eyes on us. Good.

“Yes, it’s fine. Marius is just being Marius.”

He glared at her.

“The rest of your crew are still in position, right?” she asked then.

“Affirmative,” he said. “Don’t worry, we haven’t taken our eyes off of you.”

She felt that familiar warmth spread through her core. “Just checking. Marius is getting antsy, and I guess it’s getting to me too.”

“Just stay the course.”

She looked around the immediate area, and saw nothing, which only added to her growing anxiety, although she knew full well the Fae Crossing Pack were all hidden around her, never letting her out of their site.

At least that’s what they are telling me.

“Yup, we are going to go circle this little Roman temple thing.”

“Copy that, we’ve got you.”

But nothing seemed to be flushing out the bad guys, if indeed they were even there. Their journey to the old garden folly and brief exploration were totally uneventful.

Finally, after a few minutes, Dax was back in her ear, “Okay, Bloom. We got nothing here. Not so much as a pair of teenagers making out. Head back toward The Tree.”

“No teenagers making out, huh?”

“The park is empty, yes,” Dax replied.

“Did you check if there are any heading to second base?”

Dax sighed over the audio. “There is no romantic action of any sort taking place. Now get your ass to The Tree please.”

“Heh hmm,” she heard another voice over the radio.

“Uh, so we are going to wrap it up, boss? Is that right?” She was pretty sure it was Rollo, his second in command.

“That’s affirmative.”

“Okay, guys, keep cover, but we’re heading back out. At least we got to spend a little time in the park,”

Just then, though, she heard the screech of tires as a black SUV came peeling up over a bank out of the brush.What the hell?

Marius instantly turned and began to run, without so much as a glance in her direction.

At the same time, the SUV was coming up behind her quickly. Apparently, she was their preferred target. It must have come up the service road?Or it’s been waiting there, hidden in the brush.

She heard crackling over the radio. “Move, move, move! Bloom, I’m coming,” Dax’s excited voice came on the radio again.

Before she even knew what was happening, the SUV was beside her, though. It was all a blur. The sound of the racing engine filled the air, and then the shouts of men. One of the men had gone after Marius and made short work on him. Even now he was dragging him into the back. She turned to run, when out of the corner of her eye she saw an impossibly large wolf barreling toward them. It lunged, gripping the arm of the assailant that held Marius. The man howled in pain as he released his hold. Across the field, she saw a huge bear quickly closing the distance between itself and them. But even then she felt hands on her. She tried to fight and tore at her assailants as they pulled her roughly toward the truck. In the scuffle, she felt the earbud fall out.Shit.Before she knew it, she was pulled into the back of the truck. Even before the doors were shut, the engine began to race. The last thing she saw out the door before it sealed her in was Marius’s wide-eyed face as he lay on the ground, looking on in fear.

“Go, go, go! Did you see that dog? Jeezuz!” screamed the man on her right, even as he looked down at the blood seeping from where the wolf had torn his upper arm.Good.

That must have been Rollo. She was pretty sure he was the wolf. Or it could have been Jack too.
