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“I just wanted to get you out of there,” he said emphatically.

“Well, you sure did that,” she said, blushing a little. “So, you shifted out back, I guess,” she stated.No shit, captain obvious!Oh God, why had she said that?

“Yeah, basically, I figured witnessing one traumatic event per day was enough for you,” he said, smiling. “Look, why don’t you take in the view here for a minute. I’m just gonna go clean up a bit. You’re heavier than you look, ya know,” he said, cracking a smile.

“Very funny,” she quipped back as he headed off, presumably to take a shower.

“Hey, or you can relax in here,” he said as he reached the main entrance.

She caught up to him and as they entered through the heavy oaken double doors he pointed off to the right. “You can rest in there. I’ll only be a few minutes. There’s a bathroom down the hall. I’ll be right back,” he said as he turned around a corner of the massive main hall and disappeared.

For a second she looked around, taking in the high ceiling that peaked through the crossing beams that supported the roof above this section of the house. There were various animal trophies mounted along the walls interspersed with a few portraits. A dashing looking man standing over a dead knight in one, a landscape in another. The whole place was quite impressive really. There were a few nooks built into the walls where windows looked out. Each had an ancient looking leather chair positioned alongside little side tables mounted with books. Worn oriental rugs covered the stone floor.

She finally pulled her eyes away and headed into a sort of more modern living room, full of sofas, and a few floor lamps. Beyond the room, a hall continued down into one wing of the house. But her eye was most drawn to a heavy and particularly old looking wooden door off in one corner. It had a sign on it, but from her current vantage point she couldn’t fully make it out, so she stepped down into the side room in order to cross between the various sofas and stuffed chairs. She took in the massive stone hearth that came into view as she crossed toward the object of curiosity.

She stifled a laugh, before muttering under her breath, “Boys.”

Now, standing right in front of the door she could easily read the hand carved sign. It was pretty artfully done, to tell the truth, especially considering the subject material.

Dax’s Man Cave

And then just belowthat in smaller letters,

My Cave, My Rules.


She chuckled to herself again.

Her curiosity satisfied,she turned and was about to make a bee line for one particularly comfortable looking couch, when she heard the squawk of a radio, or maybe a C.B. from behind the door.

“Dax, come in, you got ears? Copy?”

For a second she stood frozen, but then decided the situation warranted it. After another moment’s hesitation, she grabbed the large worn brass knob and gave it a turn.

She was met by darkness and could see the top of a flight of stone steps. This part of the house seemed to be even older than the thick beamed construction of the house she had already seen.

She felt along the wall until her fingers found an old switch. It was the old push button type, and with the appropriate press a light came on below.

She made her way down the stone steps, one hand on a rail to her right. She noted with appreciation that the steps were actually carved into the bedrock. She heard another squawk from the still unseen radio.

As she reached the bottom of the steps, the room opened up and she could make out a large sprawling collection. There were a few large glass cabinets that held an assortment of items. Everything from strange looking skulls to colorful action figures. There was a whole attached room that seemed to be a workshop too. Another wall was full of what appeared to be ancient leather bound books.

But what caught her eye the most and what she was pulled toward was the large wall map of Fae Crossing itself. There was a regional map mounted beside it, each covered with little sticky notes, and even photos. Off to the side, a photograph of her father took pride of place right at the top. A little below it were pictures of a couple, maybe in their mid-thirties. There were questions scrawled and theories written out. Phrases abounded. “Random attack?” “Business related,” “Settling a score?” “Animal attack – Doubtful.”

And on a desk alongside were countless notebooks. She picked one up, “Interviews 2023” it read. She thumbed through it quickly.

“Duke Thorton, Friday afternoon: Duke agrees, Frederick the most likely responsible for Corbin’s death. But still not enough. Must work harder. Fae Crossing needs this solved. Bloom deserves it. Have to push harder. Follow up with a trip to Pratt’s Pass.”

She ran her finger over her father’s name.Corbin.

The entry was dated only a few days ago. She quickly flipped back earlier. There were entries almost daily.

Oh wow. He has been working on it. She felt almost ashamed of herself. But what was she supposed to have thought? Or felt?

Just then she heard the radio squawk again behind her, waking her out her shock. She couldn’t believe it. He’d been working on the case!

“Yeah, Rollo, I copy.”
