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It was just a flash, but she would know him in any form.

“Jeezus…what in the..” came the cry from the driver.

This time, Big J had already drawn his pistol, apparently not wanting to make the same mistake he had made with the “dog”.

But just as he was raising the gun toward him, the dragon reached in and ripped him clear out of the SUV as it uttered a deafening roar. The last she saw of Big J were his legs as he was plucked, and apparently thrown from the SUV.

Not feeling so big now, I bet, J.

Rather than be next, it seemed her other captor decided to make a quick exit, as he flung open his door and jumped from the speeding vehicle.

They were now barreling headlong toward the bridge. Even as the “boss” in the front passenger seat sought to pull his own gun on the dragon, Dax delivered a sweeping blow to him and the driver with one on his clawed feet. No sooner than she saw both men in the front flung against the doors than she felt a powerful grip on her jacket.

Before she knew what was happening, she was lifted higher and higher clear of the SUV. From this vantage, she could see the chaos that had quickly filled the streets. It was only a short distance back toward town and she could already see a crowd forming to gawk at the commotion. No doubt they were talking about the massive bear and wolf. Oh…and the dragon. Here she was, being literally swept away by a dragon, and all she was thinking of was how many random humans would need to get forgetting whammies.

She was surprised that rather than feeling afraid, she felt…

How do I feel?

Alive.That was the word. More alive than she had ever felt in her life.

So this was why people got into extreme sports.

But there was more to it.

I feel safe.

Safe like she never had before. She had always recoiled at the shifter bravado. They practically seemed to sweat testosterone. Maybe that’s not such an awful thing after all. She had done nothing but stew on what she thought had been the pack’s inaction over the last few years. Even now she was just taking his word for it that they really were making some progress, even if it were all behind the scenes. They had certainly jumped into action now. Dax was flat out kicking ass.

She realized that Dax was also looking down, and surveying the scene. Even as they hovered high above, she heard the awful crash of steel on steel.The SUV.Dax pivoted midair as well and she just caught the splash as the truck went into the river. It had missed the bridge entirely and crashed through the steel guardrail. Already a few cars were pulling over. The stretch of road from town to the bridge was no more than a quarter mile, and from up here, it reminded her of an anthill that had been kicked.

Dax seemed to share her thoughts as he suddenly beat his massive wings stronger and they shot off toward the mountains beyond the Clouded Woods.

With both fear and more than a little excitement, she wondered,where is he taking me?

* * *

He tookher deeper and deeper over the primeval forest that stretched between the town and the mighty Craven Rock Mountains. It was full of ancient oaks and maples, and of course, all manner of other creatures she knew. They couldn’t have flown for more than a few minutes before a beautiful lodge came into view. It sat alongside a sort of minor ridgeline high enough up the mountains that it must have a beautiful view of the town, but not so high as to seem totally inaccessible. As they came in closer, she saw it was built of local rock and rough-hewn timbers, probably around the same time as the estate that the park had been built around, she guessed. It was stunning, like one of the “Great Houses” she had once read about that could be found along the Hudson Valley above New York City in the east.

They came in with great flaps of his wings and he gently set her on her feet before releasing her. The dragon then deftly flew up and over the high peaked roof and disappeared behind the home.

The front of the home had a sort of covered entrance, where a car, or a carriage at one time, she supposed, would have pulled up. Probably to drop off guests for some extravagant ball.

She took a seat on a bench that was positioned to offer a stunning view of the town a few miles away.Did I just get a ride from a dragon?

“I hope it’s alright that I brought you here,” she heard his voice behind her. “All things considered, it seemed the safest, best option.”

“Of course. Thank you, Dax,” she said, turning, suddenly feeling a flush come over her. She had not expected it, but suddenly, almost inexplicably, they were here, on the side of a mountain, at his incredible home. And utterly alone.

She realized this was the first time she had been alone with him. The first time since before, at least.

He stood before her in some jeans, and a white tee shirt. The rest of her words died on her lips. Holy shit was he sexy.

Maybe I am suffering from some kind of PTSD?Or PDSD? Post dragon stress disorder? Maybe a little. The ride in the SUV, while that had been the plan all along, was still pretty terrifying. But the way Dax had just swooped in… That kind of overshadowed the rest.

She could feel the now familiar rise he caused in her. She struggled to get control of herself.Do I even want to get control?

“With all those people milling about, and not knowing who else might have been around, it makes sense,” she said, trying to keep her voice assured and steady, even as her knees were going weak.
