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Dax’s face was a mask of anger and pain. “I tried. I really tried. And I really thought we had something.”

Dax glanced around at the mixed company. Everyone stood in stunned silence, and he seemed to catch himself. “I was a fool. The fault is with me. But you are no mate of mine. It’s over.”

He turned to leave even as the rest of his pack stood around in shock.

Even Etta seemed stunned as she rearranged a few of her scarves.

As he was leaving, he caught the door before it could close behind him.

“And I shouldn’t have to say this, but obviously you think so little of my word and my allegiances that I do. This will have no bearing on the ongoing case with your father. We will bring whoever was responsible to justice.”

With that he let the door shut behind him.

I can’t believe I ever thought this could work.

Then the sobs came.

How could things have gone from so perfect to so awful so quickly?


“Dammit!” Dax paced around the table at the Grizzly Den.

It was barely going on noon, but he had called a meeting to address the latest wrinkle in their plans.

Wrinkle. More like gaping tear.

The rest of the pack sat, watching him circle. Dax noted the apprehension on their faces.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill anyone.” He let his eyes roam across theirs.

Tim, the Alpha of the Mossy Ridge pack was sitting in as well. “Probably.”

Tim was the only one to crack a half smile.

“We’re working from behind the eight ball now. I don’t think I need to remind you of that. Tim, I am sorry to have brought you over here. With these guys being spooked now, I feel I’ve wasted your time. They are bound to take extra precautions, or really, who knows what they will do. But now we have to wait for them again. We’ve lost the advantage.”

He hoped his frustration and rage were not completely overshadowing the planning session. Stay on the mission. That’s what he needed to do. It seemed that was all he knew how to do anyhow.


He almost scoffed at the word. But his dragon was struggling to practically rip through his flesh. It was only with great effort he was pushing it down.

Go to her.

Telling her it was over was the hardest thing he had ever done. But what else could he do? There were enough obstacles to being the Chief of the Tribunal.

I don’t need my own mate working against me.

No, she had made the decision for him. At every turn she questioned and second guessed him.


That was the word that burned at him that he tried to push away.

He was done listening to his dragon. Or giving in to it. It seemed to only bring him pain.

He still couldn’t believe she had gone and told The Fae council about their plan.
