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She doesn’t respect you.

She never had. None of them did. It was just like it had been with his father.

He should have listened to his advice.Never make a fae your friend and don’t even think of making one your mate.

Yeah, and he had left too.

Yes, and you are Alpha now. Act like it.

That was the other reason. She had left him no choice.

No Alpha, no shifter for that matter, would allow themselves to be so disrespected. It was bad enough that half his pack witnessed his humiliation. And Tim as well.

And he had allowed it. But not again.

Some mate.

Again his dragon raged.

Rage away, buddy.It’s not going to make her respect us.

Jack spoke up, bringing his mind back to focus on the meeting. “No plan survives contact with the enemy.”

“Or with the mate, apparently,” Tim said.

Dax felt scales wanting to burst forth across his chest. He bit down to suppress the feel of talons wanting to erupt. He locked eyes with Tim and allowed his dragon’s eyes to flash.

“Watch your words, Tim,” he spat.

“Just trying to lighten the mood, Dax,” he said, raising his hands palm facing Dax to indicate he was backing down. “No offense. I respect your authority here in Fae Crossing and do not wish to challenge you.”

Dax felt his muscles unwind slightly.

“And I do not feel our presence is wasted. If I may,” he said, asking Dax permission to speak.

Dax gave him a nod.

“Allow me and my men to spread out. Each can be accompanied by one of yours. And keep the plan with the Fae and the Witches. Perhaps we can use this situation to our advantage,” he said, choosing his words with care. “Perhaps with them spooked, they will get sloppy. Also perhaps our fresh eyes will be of some use.”

Dax thought about it and quickly nodded his ascent. “Fine, have our men pair up, and Jack, if you could, let the fae and witches know to keep to the original plan. We are counting on the fae here, I think.”

The irony of his last statement was not lost on him. His father would not have approved.

“Indeed,” said Tim.

“And by that I mean the fae we have out at the bridges and key locations. Those with emotional sensitivities. They will be scanning for, for whatever it is they scan for,” he said.

“And what about the Council,” Jack asked?

“What about them? Not much to do. They will always look out for fae interests, which does not always mean Fae Crossing interests. It’s like the old story of the scorpion and the frog. So I am not surprised,” Dax said.

“That’s one perspective,” Rollo added.

Dax just nodded. “Okay let’s do this.” Those were words his pack understood. Immediately they got to their feet and headed out.

As the rest of the pack filed out, Rollo turned to him, “What about you, chief?”

“I am going to go fuck some shit up.”
