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“I know, Mack,” she said. “But I think I need to let my hurt be with me for a little longer. Still, I appreciate the thought. Actually,

you know what, Mack? I think it’s time we get to work on that back terrace,” she said. “That would be positive.”

“The terrace?” Mack said, looking a little confused.

“Yes, why not? For whatever reason The Tree hasn’t manifested it for me, so I guess this one’s on me. I think it would be cool.”

She had learned that while The Tree could be incredibly thoughtful or protective in some ways, like when it kicked Marius out, or created a room for Chris and Kim, on other topics her desires seemed to go unanswered. It seemed it had zero interest in creating her long envisioned terrace. Maybe since the back area was outside of The Tree it couldn’t effectively create what it wanted? She had no idea. But it would sure help to focus on something else right about now.

“You’re the boss, kiddo,” Mack said as he finished emptying the washer and putting away the glassware.

“I’m going for a run,” she said.

“You’re what?” he said skeptically.

“Going for a run. I run. You know this.”

“Drinking and running doesn’t sound like the best mix,” he offered.

“I just need to get out of here, okay?” she said.

She just wanted to do something, anything. Anything not to think about him.

And she really hadn’t drank much. She had her issues, but being a hard drinker was thankfully never one of them.

“Okay, I’ll hold down the fort.”

“Thanks, Mack,” she said.

Just then Wendy piped up, “Hey, I can come with you if you want? You know, if you want company or want to talk more?”

Something in her kindness triggered a fresh wave of tears for Bloom.

“No, that’s okay. Thanks, Wen,” she managed to get out without her voice breaking. “I’ll be okay. I just need to get out and get some air.”

She ran upstairs to change before Wendy had a chance to reply. It was still midafternoon. She would do her regular loop.

Yes, this is good. You got this, Bloom.

She went to push open the front door, and it wouldn’t budge.

She tried again.

Oh, come on.

“Please let me out? I’m going to have a panic attack if I stay in here another minute. I’m okay, really. I swear. Just going for a run.” She pushed again. This time the door swung open. “Thank you,” she said with a sigh of relief. She knew Ash was just looking out for her.

She took a deep breath of fresh air. Finally she was outside. A run always cleared her head. She had only had, what? Two beers?

She broke into a jog. And immediately stopped. The beer in her belly was like a weight. She groaned inwardly.

None of her favorite escapes were doing the trick. The pain was still right there. She couldn’t drink it away, and it seemed her body wasn’t going to let her run it away either. And just then Tam appeared.


“Bloom! Hey, it’s so good to see you! Oh my Gosh, Chris and Kim are just dolls! Are you going for a run?”

She was being so nice.
