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Hold it together, Bloom.

Between Tam and Wendy’s kindness that was becoming very difficult.She felt the tears wanting to pour forth. But she gritted her teeth and forced a smile. She didn’t want them to see her like this. In some ways she was still getting over her father’s death. And now this.

“Yep, except I think today is going to be more of a walking day,” she said.

“You’re so good, I need to start doing something like that,” she said. “I bet I’d sleep like a baby.”

“Yeah, it’s great,” she said, before turning to head up Willow Way to start her usual route. “Gotta squeeze it in before it gets busy,” she said in parting.

Tam waved. “You got this. Thanks for the inspiration! I don’t know how you do it all!”

“Thanks. Bye,” she managed to get out before her voice cracked and the tears started to flow again.

That’s twice.

Just tell them, Bloom.

No, the shame was too much. She had already told Mack. She knew he would be okay with it. He was like her rock. Him and The Tree. But she just couldn’t break down in front of the girls. She just wanted to be alone.

I don’t know how I managed to screw up so much so quickly.And to think she believed it could work out for her. She’d actually thought Dax was the one.

Wendy had told her she should do some therapy. Or some weird fae healing stuff. That wasn’t really her jam.

But maybe it should be.

Screw that, I need a brainumdectomy. Or would it be a lobotomy?

There must be some way to turn off my head.

She would have laughed at that if she hadn’t finally allowed herself to start to cry.

She set off on her loop, at as quick a walk as she could muster, and she let the tears start to fall.

When she was around the first corner and out of sight of The Tree, she put her hands on her knees and bent over. She let the deep sobs come.

It’s just all too hard. It’s too much.

I just suck. I suck at everything.

The beer hadn’t made it better.

I can’t even run it off. This is truly misery.

And to think that for a second she actually believed she wouldn’t spend the rest of her life alone.

At least I still have The Tree.

After crying out a good bit of it, she wiped her nose.

Great, and now I’m all snotty.

Who wants a mate anyhow? And a dragon shifter at that.

This line of thought was not helping.

She did her best to push Dax out of her mind completely as she walked on, looking out into the vast swamp off to the left as she let herself cry.

But it was an exercise in futility. She let the tears keep coming.
