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“I still have some groveling to do, Bloom. I should have never made you feel like it was either you or Fae Crossing. YouareFae Crossing to me. It would all be meaningless without you.”

She gave him a side eyed glance. “You sure you’re not just saying that because you caught the bad guy?”

“Catching the bad guy didn’t hurt,” he winked, “but no, it’s true.”

She felt her heart bursting open as he held her. She was melting in his arms.

“And there’s one more thing I should say. Not that I should say, but that I need to say. I realize now that I have always known, I’ve just been too, um, stubborn to admit.”

“And what might that be,” she said, looking up at him, and enjoying the feel of his skin against her. They were together again. And it felt so right. She realized she actually felt shy for some reason.

“You remember back when we, uh, right after I saved you from those dirtbags,” he began.

“How could I forget?”

“Afterward, and after we had,” he said, apparently searching for the right words. He swallowed. “After we had made love, you said ‘I love you,’” he continued.

“I remember,” she said. She wasn’t about to rush him now. She relished the feel of his strong arms as they wrapped around her, and of his hands as they held her lower back.

“I never said it back. And my dragon has been going nuts about it. But that’s all another story. My dragon can be,” he said pausing, “Challenging.”

“Um hm,” she said simply. “You know I am half fae…and half human. So I know a little about that tug of war. But you were saying?”

He kissed her again. “I love you, Bloom. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I’m sorry it took me this long to just put it into words. We shifters are a little…”

“Complicated?” she said, completing his sentence.

“Yes, complicated.”

“Well, lucky for you, and for me I guess, I like complicated,”

He looked at her with a little uncertainty.

“And I love you, Dax.”

“Oh, thank God,” he said, breathing out almost like a sigh of relief.

She couldn’t help utter a little laugh. “Oh, come on. Like there was ever a doubt,” she breathed.

He just pulled her in and squeezed her tight. “Promise me one thing, okay?”

“Anything, babe,” she breathed.

“Promise me we will never let ourselves get that far apart again.”

She squeezed him back. “You’ve got a deal, lover, I promise.”

For a moment they just held each other before Dax spoke once more.

“And, Bloom. I told you before, about your father, we do have a lead,” he began. But before he could say more, she put a finger up to his lips.

“Dax, I know you will handle it. I believe in you. Let’s let that rest for the moment, okay? I am sort of feeling like there are more important things I would like to focus on.”

For a moment he seemed to be unsure what she was talking about until she gave him her best bedroom-eyed look.

“I see,” he said.

“You see?” she repeated?
