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“I do,” he said, but he was already lifting her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around him instantly in response as she gazed down into his eyes.

“But I really think we ought to get out of the middle of the road first.”

She laughed as she looked around, realizing that they were in fact dead center. Thankfully Cypress Road was out of the way with relatively infrequent traffic.

“Wait, I’m doing it again, I think,” she said.

“Doing what? What are you talking about?”

“Getting between you and the town. You probably have to deal with the dealer you caught, right? Business first.”

She was trying hard to be different. But eyeing him, still buck naked, and in the rain definitely wasn’t helping at the moment.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. So, should we walk or fly?” he asked.

“Is that a trick question? Because unless you brought some clothes hidden somewhere, that means you’re going to be buck naked. And I have a reputation to protect. I’m a fine upstanding part of the fae community, you know?”

This elicited a full laugh from Dax. “I wouldn’t want to sully your good name,” he said.

“So, does that mean we are flying?” she asked. “Because to tell you the truth I am having second thoughts about the whole ‘business first’ thing. I think I would rather you just fly me to your lair and take me now.”

“Well, you’re going to have to stop talking like that, then!”

“What do you mean?” she suddenly felt appalled.

Oh my gosh, I thought he’d like my sexy talk.

“Am I being too forward?”

He laughed again. “Hardly. No, it’s just that, uh, when you talk like that it makes it hard. I should say, difficult to shift. If you catch my drift.”

“Oooohhhh!” she said. If she had been eating or drinking at the moment, she would have spit it out. “I never thought about that!”

She looked down now, though, and quickly understood the problem. Somewhere between talk of ‘business’ and the talk of him taking her in his lair he had become rather aroused.

“No reason you would. Let’s just talk about taxes or something for a minute, and then we’ll be on our way.”

“Ok, big boy,” she said, as she ran a hand down his shoulder to his nipple. “Did I tell you how bad I’ve been?” She pouted her lips. “I don’t report even half of my cash business,” she breathed. “I’ve been very, very naughty. Are you going to turn me in, Mr. Policeman?”

“Oh, my god. Stop.” But just as quickly, he changed his tune. “Actually, too late,” he said as he pulled her to him, burying his face in her neck, before he pulled her top up to expose her breasts.

“I hope this isn’t too soon,” he said. “But I think we have done enough apologizing,” he said as he took one of her big nipples into his mouth as he caressed the other breast.

“I agree,” she said as she cradled his head in her arms, relishing the feel of his lips on her exposed flesh. “I was thinking some make up sex is definitely in order.”

“I’m glad we are on the same page now. And on so many topics,” he said as he gently nibbled and licked at her hard nipple and his caresses became a little more insistent.

She breathed out a sigh as a wave of juices flooded her pussy.

“Oh my,” she cooed as she pulled his head against her chest and leaned back in ecstasy.

“Dax?” she said, pulling herself away from his attentions and looking around. “In case you hadn’t noticed, we are still in the middle of the road.”

“Hey, you started it, babe,” he said. “And so what, I’m the alpha of the shifter authority. Didn’t you say you finally realized how much I have to deal with? This is my way of relaxing. Besides, if anyone sees us, can’t you just do a memory whammy on them?”

In between sighs of pleasure, she said, “Very funny, but that’s not how it works, Dax.”

With badly acted feigned surprise, he stopped his ministrations and looked up at her, “It’s not?”
