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“Wow, it’s just so homey,” she whispered as she leaned into the window pane.

Rollo came up behind her then, as she looked out the window. He set her grandmother’s painting down on a table after giving it a look. “That would make a beautiful painting,” he said, gesturing at the view. “I mean, with all the flowers, like in your grandma’s painting.”

“It would!” Winona said, both impressed and surprised he had noticed. “Do you paint?” she asked.

Rollo let out a surprised laugh. “What, me? God, no! I was just noticing. That doesn’t make me all artsy, does it?”

She joined him in his laughter. “No, not at all, I was just curious. But maybe you should try it. You might be surprised. It’s my favorite thing to do. Relaxes the hell out of me, and well, makes me feel close to my Grams. That’s my dream, you know? To be a painter. I want to go back to school for it.”God, Win, stop talking!She didn’t know what had come over her. She just wanted him to know her. Beyond being the nanny.Well, whatever, save it. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to babble on about it,” she finally said, a little embarrassed.

Rollo gave her a considering look. “No, not at all. If you have half of your Grams talent, then I am sure you are amazing.” He gave her a warm look and again she felt that now familiar rush of energy – straight to her core. She felt her pussy tingle despite her protestations.

Rollo interrupted her reverie before she could go into another fantasy, “Come see the kitchen. We should get something for the kids.”

Right, the kids.It was a little jarring to be reminded that she was working.Is that what you’re doing?Her eyes went back to the painting that Rollo had left on a table once more before she followed him into the kitchen.

The kitchen was a mix of old and new. While it seemed the original wood stove and sink remained on one side, there was a distinctly new remodeled side as well. Again, the impossibly large interior struck her. It was as if the house had expanded to accommodate these new amenities.

She walked over to the enormous fridge and opened it to find it fully stocked.

“This place is like nothing I’ve ever seen. But I can tell it’s not your pack’s place. That’s for sure,” she laughed. “It’s so clean and tidy…and charming!”

He glared at her for a moment before she realized her gaffe. “Oh sorry. I mean, no offense! Just remember, I was raised with shifters.”

He smiled, and let out a little laugh. “Ummmhmm.” Then he gave her a wink. “Just messing with you. When you’re right, you’re right. Shifters aren’t exactly known for being neat and tidy.”

“Sorry I could have phrased that better. I guess what I really wanted to say is that just feels so different in here. Is this what the Tree is like? It’s just so, well, magical!” she laughed.

Rollo smiled and shrugged. “Yes and no. They both have that fae vibe, the magic, but this place has more of a… I don’t know…it’s just a different flavor of fae magic, I guess. Bloom did mention it had been built is some magical dell or something. I don’t know, I’m just glad it’s here. Generally speaking, I try not to think too much about fae stuff. Makes my head hurt.”

“Well, I can’t argue with you there.”

Winona couldn’t explain it, but she just felt such peace here. It was like all the worries and cares …all the total justifiable freak out, you mean…were melting away.She just felt so safe.

She stifled a laugh. “Well, weareusing it as a safe house,” she said under her breath.

“What’s that?”

“Oh, nothing.” She could still hear the kids yelling with glee in what seemed like the far distance. The place reminded her of a furniture showroom she visited with her parents, her real parents, when they were making plans to buy their new house. The one they never got. But it had just been room after room. Living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms.

This place really was magical.

Just then, Rollo came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She immediately felt that lightning bolt of adrenalin rush through her body. It was more than that.Heat. Pleasure.This is getting ridiculous.

“Hey, I want you to know how much I appreciate you,” he began, as his hand gripped her shoulder more firmly. Caressed.Is that a caress?

He continued, “I’ve just never, I mean, the kids haven’t been this calm…” He seemed to be stumbling over his words a bit. “I’m just really glad you are here. I don’t know what it is, but you have had every reason to fight me, and you have, but I mean, you could have been worse. That is, you could have made things harder. What I am trying to say is that you have been a light in the dark for those kids even in these difficult circumstances.”

She couldn’t help herself, she felt so drawn to him. She stepped in closer as he brought his other hand to her lower back.

“I…thank you. Um, I don’t know what to say,” Her head was swimming. How could everything feel so right, when clearly the whole thing was as wrong as could be. But she couldn’t deny it. Mind-bogglingly, incomprehensibly even, the truth was she had never felt more at home. She had never felt more seen. She had never felt safer.

He began to lean in, even as he pulled her toward him. He pulled her tight up against him. She could feel his strength as his hand pulled her toward him. She raised her eyes to him. Whatever magic had come over her was only growing more intense. They weren’t even kissing yet and she could feel herself growing hotter even as his gripping hands dug more hungrily into her flesh. Her own hand dug into his back as she opened her mouth, greedily wanting to taste his. Their breaths came hot and fast as they pressed into one another.

Suddenly, the spell, or the moment, or whatever it was, was broken as the thunder of small feet grew. The boys burst into the room just as they pulled away from each other.

She quickly turned to study the fridge’s contents as Rollo addressed the excited boys.

“Dad! You won’t believe it! This place is huge, and it has so many rooms. And even a playroom, with all the pillows! And—” they began all at once.
