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“Okay. Okay. I want you to tell me all about it, but let’s get some food underway!”

She hadn’t known what to expect once they got to the safe house, but what had just passed between her and Rollo was definitely not it.

Not that she was complaining. Not one bit.I know I’ve lost my mind already, but if this is the ride to crazy town, well, sign me up.


Rollo was reeling. And if a wolf could say ‘I told you so,’ that was what he had been getting all day. Being a shifter had its perks, but at times, it could be downright annoying as hell.

How had this happened? He still wasn’t sure. She had sort of crept up on him. Or maybe they had crept up on each other. Regardless, he wasn’t sure what had come over him in the kitchen. But he could no longer fight it. It was absolutely nuts. He’d probably known it from the first second, but he’d been so distracted by the hunt for Frederick that he’d not recognized her for what she was.

She was his fated mate. He knew it, like he knew how to breathe.

It was something about this house. Not so much the house, as the way he felt. It was like being here had peeled away the years of fear. Well, maybe not exactly fear. He had conquered fear a long time ago, at least he liked to think so. But there must have been something of it in there, because ever since Frederick had shown up to tear open their lives, he had lived in a more or less constant state of fight or flight.

His brother’s death had only been the first domino to fall too. That had turned his life upside down. It had also shown him who he could depend on. His pack had circled around him. They were ride or die. But his ex, he would not call her his female or his woman. Least of all his mate. She clearly had not been any of those. But she had crumbled and ran.

Just then, his phone rang.


“Hey boss, what’s up?” he picked up.

“Just wanted to be sure everything is copacetic. You’re at Bloom’s place, right? The Casa de Campo? All settled?”

“Yeah, man, I thought we were calling it the “safe house”?

“Sure, whatever.”

“This place is trippy like you said. Sort of surprised I have reception here.” He laughed. “Send Bloom our thanks. I feel like this is the first time I’ve been able to take a breath in months.”

“I’ll pass it on, but we are all in this together. I think she’s happy to feel she can contribute. And did you say ‘our’ thanks? Is that from you and the kids, or you and the nanny? I assume you have her under control?” he asked.

“Um,” Rollo stammered for a second. “Thanks from all of us. And that’s the thing, I don’t know what it is.” He trailed off for a second as he thought. “It’s like being here has cleared my head.”

“Well, I should have told you about that. Bloom did say a few other things. Turns out we aren’t far off calling it a ‘Safe house.’ In this case is almost literal, like it’s something about the spirit of the house. From what she said, the fae are kind of like the Japanese, in that they like to build their homes or really anything in “auspicious” locations.

“What the hell are you talking about, chief?” Rollo couldn’t help himself.

“Like feng shui.” Come on, Rollo, I know you are smarter than you like to pretend,” Dax prodded. “The place is built in a magical glen or something. It’s a place her ancestors had always gone to when they wished to seek clarity. Or safety.”

“No shit. Ahh. Did you learn about that in your Fae Studies class, chief?”

There was a pause on the other end. “Maybe. Bloom told me about the safe house location, but yeah, June had mentioned the sort of fae feng shui.”

Rollo considered it for a moment. “Clarity, huh?”

“Yup. That’s what she said.

“These fae have hidden depths,” Rollo quipped.

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it. Anyhow, is it me or am I sensing something is up between you and the nanny? What’s her name again?”

“Winona,” he said. “And we’ll see. Not sure I trust this feeling.”

“Look, man, all I can say is don’t fight it. You have been alone long enough, and if you are feeling something…well, if anyone deserves some comfort, bro, it’s you. Also, a word to the wise, I tried fighting it with Bloom. Waste of time, man.” He laughed.

“Okay, we’ll see what happens. My wolf won’t stop. Driving me nuts.” He shook his head. “So, any sign of Frederick?”
