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“Oh really?” she said, and left it at that. “Well, if he doesn’t get down here soon, all the pancakes are going to be gone.”

“Well, then good thing I made it in time,” she heard from the doorway, as Rollo came in.

“Daddy!” called Bucky as he appeared. “Winona made us pancakes with chocolate chips!” he called excitedly, hardly pausing in scarfing one down.

“Yeah, you almost missed them,” she said, a little disappointment in her voice.

“I apologize. I have a lot on my mind today, and I guess I just wanted to savor the bed a little more than usual.”

“Well, fair enough,” she responded. “You must have been up late working very hard,” she said with a wicked wink.

He laughed. “Yes you could say that.” As he moved toward her, she began to put out an arm to receive a hug, and perhaps a kiss on the cheek, but he only brushed by, and she had to content herself with a pat on the back.

Ohh Kayyy,she thought. Oh, right, the boys were here.I get it.

“Well, I did make a lot of pancakes, do you want me to get you a plate?” she said.

“Oh thanks, maybe in a bit. I need to check in with Dax. You know, about everything.” He gave a knowing head nod toward the boys, clearly not wanting to say too much.

“Sure, of course. I will leave some out, okay? But don’t take too long, they won’t be any good cold.”

“Okay, thanks, Winona. I won’t.”

He gave her another pat on the back as he made his way out into the hall, clearly distracted.

Well, he has a lot on his mind, for sure. Yeah, of course.

She reassured herself by once again revisiting the previous night. Then she set herself to cleaning up.

Relax, Win, it’s all good, we are in a safe house after all.


He passed through the hall and out into the garden. He needed some fresh air to think. Maybe he should have gone for the run last night. His wolf was restless. He flashed back to the night before. Winona. She was perfect. Everything had been perfect. But Frederick was still out there. They had to deal with him.

He pulled his phone and called Dax. He answered on the first ring.

“Rollo. Everything good? How is everyone holding up?”

“All good. I mean, as good as things can be knowing that maniac is out there. But at least he has finally shown himself.”

“Yes, but we can’t be reckless, I think he’s capable of anything. I mean, it would help if we had some idea what he wants with you and your family. But I’m glad the boys are at least safe,” Dax added.

What he wants with my family.Rollo flashed back to that day again.It was a miracle that anyone had made it out alive at all.That’s what they’d said when they got to the wreckage. It had taken them all of three hours to discover Frederick’s fingerprints all over the brake lines. The whole front of his brother’s car had been crushed in the crash, and James and his mate along with it. By the time they’d figured it out, Frederick was long gone.

James.His brother, James had been the funniest guy on the planet. And Cindy the most devoted mate and mother one could ask for. And now they were gone. All that remained were their kids, Bucky and Jaye, who were barely out of diapers at the time.

The whole thing made him sick. All he wanted to do in this world was give them a good life, keep them safe to become the men they could be.

“Yeah, the boys are safe, but that motherfucker is still out there. And to think we took him in, made him part of the pack, and then he did that. I’ll never understand it, Dax, never.”

“I get it. I loved your brother too, and Cindy was one of us. I won’t rest till we catch him, Rollo. You can bet on that. And it was me who had the final say in letting him in. You don’t think that plays on my mind?”

He knew it did… “It wasn’t your fault, man.”

But something had been bothering him. “Why didn’t we know Frederick had magic at his disposal, Dax? How could we have missed it? Do you think it’s a new thing or is that really how he kept evading us?”

Rollo could almost hear Dax sighing and rubbing his face in confusion. “I wish I knew. I find this whole thing deeply unsettling myself. I mean, magic? It was bad enough he had come unhinged, right? Now, he can travel from place to place by portal. What the fuck, man? Only time I have seen that shit is when the Tree gets pissy with drunk patrons.”
