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“Or ones hooked on magic-altering drugs. And how is our friend Marius?”

“Oh, by all accounts he is a reformed citizen. I guess Finch and Nilsa have made his rehabilitation a pet project.”

“Well, glad to hear it. Anyhow, I just get the feeling we are missing something. I’ve got the witches on it, and Clint is sorting through the Tribunal’s records too. Somewhere, there must be something that will give us a clue to send us in the right direction.”

“Okay, I’m coming in. You need all the help you can get.”

“That’s okay, Rollo. You need to look after everyone there.”

“The safe house is just that, safe. And things have been, uh, changing here. Dax, I need to come be a part of the investigation. It’s killing me to just be sitting here doing nothing,” Rollo said as he paced through the garden.

“Don’t you need to be with the boys, and what do you mean, ‘things are changing?” Dax asked.

“How did you know Bloom was the one for you? I mean your mate? I’ve heard all that ‘you just know, your wolf justknows’stuff, but I am so turned around with this Frederick stuff. And, man, she’s incredible, but…”

“Oh, I see,” Dax said.“Look, if you are asking me that, then I’d say you may be in trouble. I assume you’re talking about your nanny? What’s her name again?”

“Winona. And yeah, I know it’s been like two days, but last night…I mean…” he trailed off. His head was spinning from all that was happening. “The way she is with the boys, and with me…and my wolf won’t give it a rest,” he rambled.

“Right. Well, with Bloom I just knew, but I did my best to fight it, I can tell you that. If she’s the one, there will be no denying it, that’s for damn sure,” Dax added.

Rollo thought for a second. “Yeah, that’s what I hear. I mean, my wolf is flipping the fuck out, but to be honest, with everything going on, I don’t know which way’s up…”

Dax remained silent as he continued, “But I still want to make some moves to let her know I don’t just see her as the help. I mean, actions speak louder than words, right? So, can you do me a favor? I don’t want anyone from her agency to know her business, so could you ask Bloom if she has a lead on a nanny? I am thinking just someone part time. Oh, and while you’re at it, ask her if she knows any artists, okay?”


“Yeah, like painters and stuff like that. I’ll explain later…”

There was an extended silence on the line for a minute before Dax spoke, and when he did, his tone had changed. “Look, Rollo, don’t take this the wrong way, but you just met thisnanny. I get it, when you know, you know, and all that fated mate stuff. But you have to remember, if we don’t handle Frederick first, everything else is just a waste of time. Nothing and no one is safe until we handle him. Frederick is a killer. While he is out there, everything is at risk. I don’t want to discourage you from pursuing her, but for the sake of the kids and the pack, I need you to put that on the back burner. For now. The pack can’t afford to have you distracted. Plain and simple. Pack comes first. Those kids need you, and I need your head in the game. Once he’s handled, you can get back to her. Hopefully, it will be soon.”

Rollo felt the hairs on his back raise, and his wolf’s blood was up. He grit his teeth, but bit his tongue.

When he didn’t respond right away, Dax repeated, “Am I clear?”

Fuck. He knew Dax was right. His reply was simple and to the point, “Copy that.” But truth be told, I couldn’t get too distracted until Frederick was handled. As long as he was out there, neither her nor the boys were safe. Frederick was his number one priority. Everything else came second, or there might not be anything else.

“Good, now as soon as you have them secure, get your ass back to the Tribunal. They will be fine at the safe house. I will send June out to double check on all the wards and spells, but no one is hurting anyone at the safe house.”

“Got it, boss, I should be there this evening.”

“Good,” his alpha said. “We’ll get him, and then you can do whatever you want with your nanny.”

His wolf growled.She is more than just a nanny. But he held his tongue.

“Okay, boss, talk soon.” He ended the call.

* * *

Rollo strolled backinto the kitchen, rounding the corner just in time to catch Winona putting what looked like the first forkful of the last pancake up to her mouth.

She raised her fork at him and smiled, saying, “I waited as long as I could, sorry!”

“Oh, now what?” he said distractedly, and maybe a little too curtly.

“Oh well, maybe have some oatmeal? I could whip it right up.”

“No, I’m not hungry,” he said offhandedly. His head was still on his conversation with Dax.
