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Her heart broke a little even as she said it, watching the little boys run into the kitchen, looking back at her smiling and laughing.

It had only been a few days, but everything about their bond had just felt soright.She couldn’t explain it. She heard her Aunt Bev’s voice in her head.I can explain it. It’s called delusion.Bev had meant well, but had had zero bedside manner and had been no replacement for her real mother.

As soon as she was around the corner, she raced upstairs to pack her suitcase. Quickly, she gathered her few possessions and toiletries, fighting back the tears that threatened to erupt down her cheeks. Leaving. Again. And what a fool. She had let him take advantage of her heart, hadn’t she?

When would she learn she was not good for anything other than being the nanny?

She didn’t know, but she decided enough was enough. She slipped down the back stairs and around a long way, and was out the door before she knew it.

She headed toward the tree line, phone in hand.

This shifter fight was not hers. Had nothing to do with her. Never had. She had only needed to come to the safe house to look after the kids, and June was with them now. Besides, Rollo was already looking for a replacement, so it was time to go. Now. Before she had to watch him telling her he no longer needed her, that he didn’t want her in his life or the boys’.

No, her heart was already broken and bruised enough that it didn’t need any extra battering. Better to leave of her own accord and save them both the trouble.

Her only regret was not saying goodbye to the little ones, but just like all the others, they’d forget her soon enough anyhow, even if she’d never forget them. Tears threatened to fall, but she stubbornly wiped them off her eyes before they had the chance.

Phone out and eyes open, she moved away from the house.

Now if I can just get a signal. In Julie we trust.


The Tribunal was bustling. Detectives and officers moving in all directions. Many were on assignments dealing with issues that reached far abroad. His current drama didn’t stop the need of their special brand of policing and detective work across the shifter world. Fae Crossing was the hub.

Rollo immediately scanned the room to find Dax. He spotted him at the center of a huddle of shifters and a strange woman and he walked that way.

As he approached, he realized that Dax was giving the shifters sentry duties and locations throughout the town. He frowned.

This is new.Not only did they not generally have sentries posted in town, but the specific locations that he’d heard as he approached made his belly lurch. Right at Willow and Mountain View? In front of the Tree? And by the Babbling Buck? They were very public locations, in full view of humans that did not know about the shifter presence in their town. The possibility of unintentional collateral damage had to be considered. This situation was just getting hairier.

He looked piercingly at Dax, trying to figure out what was in his mind. Lora, one of the witches, stood by his side as they examined a map of town.

As Clint got his assignment, he nodded in Rollo’s direction and then was on his way. Apparently, he had been paired with Dayton as the two left together. Dax looked up at Rollo.

“There’s been news. Lora here, tells us they were able to get information from his last portal. It’s got a specific energy signal that is as good as a fingerprint, you could say. They found the same signature throughout town. The working theory is that he’d been scouting for something.”

His hand went up to his neck.

“Probably your family, but maybe Bloom too? We don’t really know. Anyhow, I know, it’s risky taking up positions out in public. We don’t want to create a public incident, but hopefully it won’t come to that. Regardless it’s a risk we have to take.”

His hand came down again and he fisted it.

“Frederick has proven that he will kill whoever is in his path, and it’s not going to be just shifters this time. I can’t leave the town unprotected. Regardless, hopefully, all will go smoothly. It’s not like our guys aren’t accustomed to keeping a low profile. Worst case, Lora and her coven can clean up any mess. But we have to be ready. Thankfully, Lora tells me Jack will make a full recovery. But we got lucky. We can’t slip up again.” His eyes were hard.

“A hundred percent, but we need to know what he’s looking for. Have any patterns to his movements been detected? We know he’s got something personal against me, or my family. But what else do we know? And where the hell did he learn to use portals?”

Dax looked at Lora, then at him. “Well, as far as a pattern, it’s pretty much what we’d expect, I’m sorry to say. Your house, Rollo. And the kids’ school. Looks like he has visited each multiple times too. He’s definitely been scoping you and your family out. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that the kids are somewhere safe right now. That safe house is rock solid. Plus, we sent June over there to just make sure all the enchantments, or spells, or whatever have been …refreshed, I guess you’d say.” He waved his hand. “You know, Fae stuff.”

“Right. Fae stuff. I’m sure June will handle it.”

“Indeed, she is a capable wielder of the elements,” Lora said matter-of-factly.

“That’s what I gather,” Dax said.

“You must be neck deep in fae magic now, Dax,’ Rollo quipped.

“Dude, don’t start. Because if you want to get into it about Bloom and the fae, then I will start pressing you for more details on your smokin’ new nanny.”
