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“Oh, yes. Of course, I know Dax. That is, I have met him.” she mumbled, not feeling great to once again be left on the sidelines.

“Ah, I see. So, you must be the new nanny,” June said with a kind smile.

There it was again…she fought back the urge to retort,’Apparently, not for long’.

Instead, she replied kindly, “I’m Winona.”

The Nanny.

“Pleased to meet you, I just stopped by to check that all the spells and wards are up to snuff here,” she said. “And to look in on the boys, of course.”

“Well, I can tell you the one that blocks the phones sure works fine,” she said, unable to keep all of the annoyance out of her voice.

“Oh, right, sorry. I can see about that. I think Bloom had a word with the house about Rollo making and receiving calls. I can talk to it, though,” she said.

“Talk to it?” Winona repeated.

“Um, yeahAgain, sorry. Fae spirits, as a rule, are kind of old school technologically speaking. I can probably get her to ease up on that in the next few days,” June said with a smile. “Depending on how she’s feeling of course.”

“Of course.” Winona again repeated. Great. A few days, maybe. “I see, well, it seems the boys know you well already,” she said, hoping to learn a little more about this woman. She seemed nice enough, but once again, Winona was feeling likethe help.

“Yes, I’ve known them all since they were little…” she hesitated. “Since they were little boys. I have babysat them many times.”

“Really?” This had to be a sign. She would take her chance now. At the very least she needed to talk with Julie. She was beginning to doubt everything.

Yes, last night had been beyond her wildest dreams, but wasn’t that exactly what narcissists did to you?Love bombing.

“Really. They are great kids, aren’t they?”she said, looking around at each of them.Jesus, this is going to be hard.But this was her chance and she couldn’t afford to get sentimental, no matter how much it hurt.

“I thought we were difficult,” said Bucky, divulging he had actually registered the earlier reprimand.

“Well, maybe challenging would have been a better word,” Winona said, smiling.

“We’ve been helping make breakfast and cleaning,” Jasper spoke up proudly. “Winona’s great. She taught us how to make chocolate chip pancakes and everything!”

“Well, that does sound pretty great,” June said, favoring Winona with what she took as a patronizing nod.

The woman was being nice enough, but Winona got the sense she was not here to socialize.

Does he not even trust me? Is she backup?Who cares, the reasons for why this whole thing wasn’t a good idea were already stacked high enough.She knew she needed to act while she had the opportunity.

Fuck this. I don’t just want to talk to Julie. I’m getting out of here.

“Come on, June. We can show you. Plus, this house is sooo cool. It’s got so many rooms!” said Marcus. They all started doing their best to drag June toward the kitchen.

“Well, I do have some things I must do here, but I suppose I can indulge you boys for a bit,” June offered.

Clearly, I’m replaceable.

“Don’t you want to come Winona!” said Jaye.

“Maybe in a bit. I want to clean up, okay?” Then to June, she said, “Do you mind, I mean, is that okay if you watch them for a few?”

“Oh, of course, no problem,” the woman said amiably.

Obviously, this June woman had no idea about her situation. And Winona had already gotten the picture of whose side she would be on anyhow. Plus, she was clearly fae. No, this was no time to risk confiding in a stranger. She needed to go. This might be her only chance.

“Fifteen or twenty minutes,” she said, hoping that would be enough time.
