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“I want you to do what you want to do. I want you to follow your passion. So, I thought you might want to go to school for it. Or I have also located some good private instructors, if that is a route you want to take?” Is that something you would want to pursue?” He looked at her hopefully.

“Oh, my God, you are the sweetest man alive…er, man beast…oh whatever!” she said as she grabbed his arm in a vice grip and planted a kiss on him.

“So, are you thinking school or just a private tutor?”

“I don’t know, I’ll figure that out later.We’llfigure it out. But just the fact that you thought of me, that you want me to be happy, that is enough!”

As she proceeded to rain kisses all over him, he allowed himself to be pushed back into the pillow.

Well, I guess this is working out, he thought.This is all working out.He surrendered himself to receiving yet another barrage of kisses.


Rollo was excited. He was finally going to be able to show her the world-famous Tree.

“Hey babe, so are you ready?” Rollo called back to her?

“You know I am!” she said excitedly.

With The Tree early Christmas party, he finally had an excuse to let her see it firsthand. They had parked at the Tribunal and walked the short distance over to the Four Corners. The boys made quite the sight, as they were all dressed up as little Elves in matching outfits.

“Okay, boys, are you ready?” Winona said to the four of them as they all crossed Willow Way and were taking in the huge, but very tree-looking tree that towered above, set back maybe one hundred yards.

“You’re sure it’s going to let us in?”

“I think we’re good,” Rollo said.

“But it just looks like a tree!” Bucky said. His little elf hat sagged crookedly as he spoke.

“Oh, ye of little faith!” Rollo said, as he took Bucky and Jaye’s hands, while Winona grabbed the older boys.

“It sure looks like just a tree,” she said as they got closer. But no sooner had she spoken than a big door appeared and a sign came to life alongside it.

“Wow!” Marcus cooed with glee, even as the others let out a chorus of ohhhs and ahhs.

“The Fair Folk Bar,” Winona read. The sign had a border of blinking Christmas lights around it.

“How’d it know to let us see it?” Jasper asked.

“It’s a very smart tree,” Rollo said, without missing a beat.

“I guess so,” Winona said as Roollo opened the door and they went in.

* * *

The inside did not disappoint either.Bloom, or maybe Ash, the Tree Spirit, had decked it out for the holiday party.

“Holy smokes!” Jasper called as they entered the main room. Festive lights were draped across the massive space. It had to have been a hundred feet across inside the tree. Vines and roots hugged the walls as well as balconies that seemed to lead to other areas.

“How is this possible?”

“How is anything possible with the fae?” Rollo replied.

“Good point.”

“Winona! Rollo! And oh, my God, the elves. You are all adorable!”

“Winona made our costumes!” Bucky said. “She very autistic!”
