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“Well, I didn’t sayallshifters are trouble, just that dealing with them adds a whole new level of challenge. Blake and this Demeter the Dick? Definitely trouble. But that doesn’t mean they’re all mean. There are cool shifters out there. You just gotta be prepared to put in a little extra effort.”

“A little?”

“Okay, fine, a lot.”

“Which is why I’ve had it. No more shifters for me, thank you very much.”

“But what happened, really? Did you quit or something?”

“I got fired. Again, I don’t want to waste any more brain space on it. Don’t worry, though. I already have another interview lined up…Nota shifter. This time, I checked. I am convinced they are all schitzo.”

“Gotcha. Well, I mean, your ex was a mental case, for sure. From what you told me, you always had to be on your toes, never knowing when you were getting the sweet or the sour side of him. So I understand. I can be exhausting and a bit terrifying never knowing when the switch will be flipped. But I still think it’s a shame. You’re good with the shifter kids and I know you have a soft spot for them.”

“Whatever, let’s not talk about Blake, or shifters, for that matter. They talk a good game with all that mate shit, making all fairytale dream, soulmate kind of stuff up, but I’m convinced it’s just a ploy to reel you in. I’m over it. At this point, my two younger brothers are all the shifters I need in my life, thank you. They are pretty steady, but I swear, they are the only shifters I have ever met who are.”

“Fair enough, I shouldn’t have mentioned him, but I just always thought you had such a unique… I don’t know, skill set, I guess. What with being raised with two little shifter brothers. I mean, there can’t be that many humans who even are in the know.”

“Yeah, and all I had to do was have my parents killed in a car crash and move in with my aunt and uncle to get my special powers.”

“Win, come on, you know that’s not what I meant. And they love you like their own. Sorry, but not sorry. I can’t help it if I think you’re special. I mean, I wouldn’t even know about any of this stuff if it weren’t for you.”

“I’m sorry, Jules, and thanks. You’re really sweet. I’m just annoyed, you know?”

“Of course, bestie. I totally get it,” Julie said.

That was one of the things she loved most about her. She was always in her corner.

“Listen,” Julie continued, “why don’t we head over to the park? You’re already in town, and I could just swing down there? We could go walk amongst the follies? A few more months, it’s gonna be too cold to enjoy!”

“Thanks Jules, but maybe this weekend? Right now I have to get a job nailed down. I guess I am just feeling a little shut down, you know?”

“Can’t say I blame you.”

“Sorry, I’m sure I’ll feel better once I get settled with a new job. I guess the thing with the Dick rattled me a bit.”

No need to apologize, hun. Why not just give the nannying thing a rest? Maybe it’s time you get your art back on track.”

“Oh, sure, there are so many high-paying art jobs out there,” she laughed.

“Well, it was just an idea. Maybe some hot rich guy would commission you and then one thing leads to another and boom, you could have your own family and finally launch your art career all in one! I mean, I know that’s what you really want, isn’t it?”

“I wish it were that easy. I don’t even need the ‘rich’ part.” She paused for a second. “But I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” They laughed.

“I want to see you happy,” Julie replied.

“I know. Thanks, Jules. Just having one of those days. And who knows? Maybe someday… I have been working on saving up. I think I need to work a bit harder. Anyway, about you, how are those cooking classes going? Are they all wrapped up now?”

“I loved it. And yes, I’m done. Didn’t you see my posts about it?”

“You and your social media. God, I don’t even know why I bother talking to you on the phone. All I need to do is open your Insta at any time to see what you’re up to.” She laughed.

“Oh, you’re just jealous of my fabulous lifestyle,” Julie joked back. “Anyhow, yeah, I finished cooking school, and now I just need to find the right job. I’d prefer to be a private chef, but I know I need the experience, so I’m taking maybe a week or two to rest and then off to the trenches to get some gainful employment. I’m actually thinking of applying at the Babbling Brook, believe it or not. We can’t all have sexy, rich clients, but we can dream, right?”

“Absolutely!” she said enthusiastically. “The Babbling wouldn’t be the worst job. And as far as the rich clients, I think I’ll stick to human ones from now on.” She laughed. “This was the final straw for me. No more shifters. I’ve learned my lesson.”


