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Memories spun around in his head. Rollo could feel his wolf trying to break free and break out. The old rage threatened to overtake him. Frederick had indeed taken a lot from him. He had taken a lot from them all.

Payback was going to be a bitch if him and the Fae Crossing Pack had anything to say about it.They had the full resources of the Shifter Tribunal behind them as well. And that meant the Fae too.

Hell, after their last fight, they were practically buddy-buddy with the Fae Council, and now even the king was dropping by to say “hi.”

Yeah, they would catch him, alright. And they would destroy him.

The boys deserved resolution, and finally, finally, he felt it might just happen.

Getting a grip on his wolf and coming back to the moment, he looked around the kitchen and open plan first floor of his home to see if they were in sight. They certainly weren’t in the house if he couldn’t hear them.

Shit.Now he really had to step it up and get a new nanny. He still wasn’t exactly clear on why the last one had left, but he didn’t have time to worry about that.

The last time he had been in a bind, Dax’s mate Bloom had recommended her friend, June. Fae or not, June had been a godsend, but between teaching the Fae Studies courses at the college and being a mentor figure for the Children of the Vortex, the woman wasn’t exactly long on free time.

More than once he had even dropped the boys off at Curiouser and Curiouser. Between the mother and daughter team of Chris and Kim, and that young fae woman Tam they had seemed to handle them. At least that’s what they said.

But he needed someone permanent. The boys needed stability. And on top of that, he couldn’t afford to be worried about anything that might distract his focus.Not now.Not when they were so close.

Where is that agency number again?

Four boys were definitely a handful, but what other choice did he have? Having lost both parents, especially since they were babies at the time, there was no way he would allow his brother’s two kids to be raised by strangers. It was just a given. So, he was now the proud parent of four amazing, and energetic, little pups. All by himself. His brother’s little ones, Jaye and Bucky, had still been in diapers at the time and had grown up calling him Dad as well.

As far as Bucky was concerned Rollo might as well be his dad, since he was only one at the time.

Jaye wasn’t much older and probably only had the barest memories of his father.

In time, Rollo knew, he would have a talk with them both, and tell them all about their dad. But for now they were just two innocent little boys, too young to carry the burden of the truth.

This had never been his life plan, to be a single father of both his and his brother’s boys, but family came first. Always.

He just had to believe he could find a nanny who could handle the little guys.

He did everything he could for them, but he knew he wasn’t enough. He didn’t have time or interest at the moment for a mate. His sole purpose was catching Frederick.

At times that was all that powered him through the long days. His thirst for vengeance and his love for the little boys.

But that wasn’t the pups’ fault. They deserved, no, theyneeded,a woman’s touch.


“Hey Jules,” she said as she popped her headset in as she answered the call.

“Hey, Win, so what happened? You sounded upset in your message. Is now a good time?”

Winona took another sip of coffee and closed her laptop, settling into the call.

“Yeah. I’m just sitting at the Dancing Pants café. Remember all that stuff you were saying about Mr. Demeter? Well, you were right.” She huffed. “What a dick. I knew I should never have taken that job in the first place.”

“I don’t know why you never listen to me. And it’s not like you don’t know firsthand. You have to be very discerning with shifters. Of course, they’re great for trade and business, if you’re a human who is in-the-know, but beyond that, best to just steer clear. No offense to your adopted brothers, or any of my own father’s business associates, but that’s been my experience.”

“None taken, Jules. I wouldn’t say it applies across the board, but it fits Demeter the Dick to the T.”

Jules let out a laugh, “’Demeter the Dick’, that’s a good one. So, what happened? More gaslighting?”

“Basically, it’s not important, I’ll tell you later…but you were definitely right. Shifters are just trouble. There is just something wrong with them!”
