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Rollo reached out one of his thickly muscled arms to shake her hand. They couldn’t have been more opposite. She was carrying a folder with what he assumed was her resume, and shuffled it awkwardly to the side as she extended a hand in turn.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Wright. I’m Winona. Nice to meet you,” she offered.

“Winona, right. Call me Rollo.” He reached out and took her tiny hand in his. He felt like he should kiss it or something, it was so dainty.Can someone so dainty handle these boys? They’ll eat her alive.

She nodded and gripped his hand in a surprisingly firm shake.

But it was the surge of heat that flew through him at her touch that really got his attention. He felt the kind of rise in his blood that he had almost forgotten about. It had been so long. His wolf again took notice. More than took notice. He physically shook his head to clear his mind.

“Come in, come in. And thank you for coming all the way out here. I am so sorry but it’s got to be fast today, I have a barbeque over at the park I need to get to…” He stopped himself. “I mean, sorry, it is not really a barbeque. I have an important meeting at a barbeque, really. Very urgent. So, please forgive me if I am a little distracted. But this interview shouldn’t take too long and you can be on your way.”

“Of course,” she said politely, looking around the massive entryway that opened onto the spacious kitchen beyond. “I was just talking with a friend about the park. You should take advantage of the barbeque weather while it lasts,” she added smiling.

Following her gaze, he said, “I suppose you’re right,” he said distractedly. And then getting back on topic, “I hope you weren’t too put off by the gate and walls. Goes with my job, really. I’m in security, you could say. And, oh, jeez, pardon the mess, but it is honestly like this all the time, lately.” His hand went to the back of his neck.” Wish I could tell you differently, but part of your responsibility will be cleaning up after the boys too. I assume that’s par for the course? I only ask because the last nanny refused to wash dishes because it wasn’t in the contract and she was tired at the end of the day. Cleaning up after them would be part of your responsibilities, okay?”No shit, of course it is. Am I…what is it? Nervous? I don’t get nervous. What the fuck.He was fumbling this up big time.

Winona smiled.Woah, that’s a killer smile.Again, for an instant all of his worry about Frederick and the anxiety of finding the right nanny fell away. His wolf was acting like one of those pointers. And he was aimed right at her. Calm down, Rollo. She’s here to be the nanny!

“Not to worry, I had two younger siblings. I mean, I’m used to it. I’ve been cleaning up after kids for my entire life. It just goes with the territory. Anyone who says differently isn’t cut out for taking care of kids, in my opinion.”

Her voice was much stronger than he’d expected. But at the same time, she just had such an easy way about her.Maybe she wasn’t such a fragile little wisp after all.He’d read her file, he remembered. Her references had been good, though nothing super recent. But she had a lot of shifter experience, which was obviously key. Regardless, something told him he should give her a chance. Now he felt glad he had.Down boy…nanny. She’s the nanny, remember, buddy?

“Well, two is still good,” he said happily. “I mean, I am sure you read our file too. So, speaking of which, you have experience with, um…shifters, right?” He felt a little strange just saying it outright like that to a human, but gut feeling or not, he wanted to be sure she would be a good fit.

Except, suddenly, the young lady looked taken aback. “Um, I mean, yes, I do, but I thought…” She looked really uncomfortable.

“What is it? Are you okay?”This can’t be good. Maybe she’s not in the know? Dammit.

Just then, his phone pinged again, he looked at where the sound came from, the kitchen island. There it was. He picked up his phone and found a series of new texts to his pack’s group chat.

Frederick.They have him surrounded. Mossy Ridge. Sutter’s old garage. Now!

Adrenalin floodedhis system as he read.

Oh my god.

Shit.It was like he developed tunnel vision. He could hear the kids yelling as they all came bursting back into the house.

He saw her concerned face in front of him.

His mind flashed back to that day.Frederick. His brother. The blood.

The kids.They would never be safe. He could never rest…

He knew what he had to do. But how could he?

His wolf was practically tearing through his skin.No time. Run. Now.

He had no choice.

“Look, Winona. Um, I don’t know how to put this. Could you stay here, please? With the kids? I mean, I know this is sudden. We haven’t even finished the interview, but you seem great. And, uh, I have to go…now.”

He could just see her alarm growing with every word he uttered.

“Well, I am sorry, Mr. Wright. I don’t know what just came up for you, but there must have been some confusion. I don’t work with shifter kids anymore.”

At least she’s in the know.

That offered a modicum of relief.
