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“But this is an emergency,” he said emphatically and he pulled out his wallet. “Here, I can pay you well for your time. But I must go.”

“Well, I’m really sorry, but I have other appointments I have to be at, as well.”

Just then the boys all came piling in.

“Hi, hi! Are you the new nanny? Are you gonna take care of us?” they chorused. “Can I have a juice box?” added Bucky, the youngest. Shit. Finally, the best lead on Frederick in years to make things right. My chance to get justice for these kids.And for Bloom.He had to do something.

Dammit.Frederick’s ruined face flashed into his mind once more. “I’m so sorry, I have to do this. I will make this right, I swear. But this is a matter of life and death.”

This was crazy. But there had been something in that electric bolt that had passed between them. Something in the way she was looking at him now. Even though a combination of shock and mild outrage painted her features at the moment. There was something about her that he trusted. She just felt …right.

And for whatever reason, his wolf had zero problem with leaving her here with the kids. That would have never happened if he had even the slightest sense that anything would go awry.

Now I just have to convince her.

“Look. I will only be gone, well, I don’t know for how long. I don’t have time to explain…”

Just then his phone pinged again. One word.


“Shit. Shit!”he said.

She just looked between him and the four milling children.

“I have to go. I will be back. They are good kids.”

“But… but…”

He pretended he didn’t hear her, and to the kids he said, “Kids, be good!”

“What about the barbeque?”

“Sorry, maybe tomorrow. But today, Winona’s gonna play fort with you! And make pancakes!”

“Yay, pancakes!”

“What…? I can’t…You can’t just…”

“Sorry! I‘ll will be back. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe here!”

She just stared at him slack jawed, the boys already getting the ingredients for pancakes out on the counter.

With that, he backed out the door and shut it, locking it with his key.

He ran to his Jeep.

Oh man, he’d just kidnapped his nanny. What the hell?

She’ll be fine. Not happy, but fine.Then a moment later he remembered something.Oh right.Cursing the situation and what it called for, he logged into his security settings.Cell phone blocker on.Only his own cell would function in his compound now.

He would just have to deal with the fallout later. Kids would be fine, too, and she’d get over it.Maybe.But he would deal with that later. They finally had Frederick cornered.We cannot fail.He picked up the phone and turned away, the focus returning to the job in front of him. As he sped through the gates, he pushed the buttons to close them behind him. They would be safe there. No one could get in. Of course, with a ten-foot perimeter fence, no one could get out either.


No fucking way is this happening,thought Winona.He literally just locked the door behind him. Like, LOCKED it? No fucking way. How did he even do that?

She hardly had a moment to consider the best way to have a total meltdown before the cries of “Pancakes! Pancakes!” diverted her attention.
